Rise to the Moment of Truth Monday, February 17, 2025

1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

Pilgrims Christmas Alabama News
Will Sellers: The failure of the Pilgrims’ first Christmas

The Pilgrims’ first Christmas in the New World was remarkable, but not for the reasons you’d think. On December...

Manger Alabama News
Ashley Carter: A precious gift

When we have Jesus, the giver of life, truth, peace, comfort, and joy, we have all we need.

Pageant Alabama News
Sean of the South: The nativity

The manger was made of cardboard. It was stuffed with fresh hay. Genuine hay from the hardware store. The Christchild was a naked Cabbage Patch doll from Brianna Smith’s personal collection. Orange yarn for hair. Jesus was a redhead.

Child abuse, child trafficking Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: Setting the captives free at Christmas

While we fill our weekend with holly jolly, coupling it with holy reverence, it’s important to remember why Christ came: to set the captives free.

20130808 Sutter Daniel 9962 Studio HS Alabama News
Dr. Daniel Sutter: School choice and its impact on the RSA

I find Dr. David Bronner’s opposition to school choice surprising given the RSA’s commitment to Alabama economic development through investments.

Taylor Swift Alabama News
Nick Treglia: Taylor Swift and the pendulum swings of culture

Ultimately, changing the culture is a temporary solution; what we need are people insulated from it, whose lives and views are unaffected no matter which way the pendulum swings.

Barry Moore Alabama News
U.S. Rep. Barry Moore: The NDAA — another D.C. dish du jour

If the only way to get a bill passed through a Republican-majority House is to get a majority of the Democrats to also vote for it, then you can be 100% certain it’s full of unsavory ingredients that will trample your freedoms and spend more of your hard-earned tax dollars on a woke, weaponized and wasteful agenda.  

Hugh Freeze Alabama News
Daniel Locke: Hugh Freeze was the man Auburn needed on the recruiting trail

Hugh Freeze wasted no time recruiting when he first got to Auburn. He has been the program's head coach for over a year now, and those efforts have not stopped.

Migrants Alabama News
Allen Keller: Cultural insanity and the U.S. southern border

How far are we willing to go to prove that up isn’t down, that water is wet or air is dry, that abiding the law is better than breaking it?   

Iowa Capitol Alabama News
Talmadge Butts: A different kind of ‘Goat Hill’ at the Iowa State Capitol

The Alabama State Capitol is colloquially known as “Goat Hill” because the building was constructed on a pasture where goats once grazed. In recent weeks, however, the Iowa State Capitol took that pet-name for itself after allowing the Satanic Temple of Iowa to display a statue of Baphomet.

Dickens christmas carol Alabama News
Jim Zeigler: Things have changed since Charles Dickens’ 'A Christmas Carol' 180 years ago

December 19 is the 180th anniversary of the publication of “A Christmas Carol.” A lot has changed since then

DEI Alabama News
Joey Clark: DEI denies the gifts of personal honor and dignity

DEI demands the unearned, rewarding its acolytes a resentful license to carry out collective punishment and unequal treatment in the name of equal justice.  

TP Alabama News
Phil Williams: The land of ultra soft smooth tear poo paper

The poo industry is big business in the U.S. Are we spoiled?

Advent Wreath Alabama News
John W. Giles: Advent and the whimsical nature of Christmas

In the four weeks leading up to Christmas Day, churches that observe ancient liturgy light candles each week of Advent, all of which have significant meaning.

Christmas Cookies Alabama News
Ashley Carter: In the kitchen at Christmas

From the first chop to the final dish and every playful moment in between, our shared kitchen recipes become more than a seasonal tradition; they celebrate the strong bonds that define us and the legacy we continue to build.

Library Christmas Alabama News
Sean of the South: Christmas cheer

I was 15 years old. I walked into the rural library. My father was freshly dead. I was a middle-school dropout. We were poor. It was Christmastime.

Delta Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Delta Air Lines could have settled in Birmingham, but our leaders weren't interested

I'm still not sure how Birmingham missed getting a major airport, but they did. Just like Muscle Shoals and Ford City, the story of Birmingham and the airlines is another head-scratcher worth considering.

Library Reading Alabama News
Laura Clark: Is book removal a First Amendment violation?

Groups like Read Freely Alabama and other leftist groups claim the removal of books from libraries violates the First Amendment. This is simply an error based on a faulty interpretation of the First Amendment and a general ignorance of Constitutional Law.

Border Migrants Alabama News
Kristin Landers: We need leaders who are outspoken, unashamed and fight for our borders

I sincerely appreciate Tuberville’s willingness to take a stand on the border issue even if his Republican colleagues won’t. We need more leaders like him with an actual SPINE who are willing to speak out.

Free Speech Campus Alabama News
Katrinnah Darden: Colleges must teach free speech in both word and action if this basic freedom is to survive

The ability to tolerate ideas different from one’s own is a virtue that each generation must learn. It does not come naturally. Unfortunately, today’s higher education establishments are failing to impart this skill.

Schwab Alabama News
Joey Clark: Long before Klaus Schwab named his enemy, his enemy named him

Klaus Schwab isn’t the first, nor will he be the last, to play God.

Baseball2 Alabama News
Phil Williams: Good sports

More than just wins and losses, sports can teach us about winning with class and losing with grace.

Shackles Alabama News
KCarl Smith: A shackle on freedom

The urgency of the situation demands swift corrective action to prevent the shackles of debt from transforming us, our children, and our grandchildren into unwitting slaves of a financial burden.

Bible Alabama News
Ashley Carter: Practicing the most wonderful Christmas tradition

When the world would see fit to commercialize and up the value on materialistic things more and more each year, the Bible remains a strong voice of reason. The Word of God doesn’t change. It brings peace and gives meaning.

Santa Alabama News
Sean of the South: One day in the North Pole

Santa Claus? Thank God he lives. And he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.

Drag show Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O’Connell: 'Tis the season to share the truth with the LGBTQ community

When it comes to the LGBTQ community’s push to normalize drag queens, there is always an agenda afoot. Smaller Alabama communities should take note and prepare.

Zeigler christmas Alabama News
Jim Zeigler: A family Christmas tree farm in Alabama

Many folks think that Christmas trees cannot be grown in Alabama; that it takes the mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina. Well, here is my story of growing one of Alabama’s early Christmas tree farms – the Zeigler Christmas Tree Farm outside of Sylacauga.

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