The gradual erosion of core freedoms such as speech, religion, and self-defense continue, perpetuated by the very government entrusted with upholding these rights.
The students poured peanuts into their bottles. Messes were made. Bottles erupted on desks like Mount Saint Soft Drink. Everyone started to giggle.
Getting history right matters. Borders, land, and boundaries matter. It matters there. And it matters here.
It’s time to take a hard look at DHR and its policies. Alabama has a wonderful history of protecting families. This is just one necessary step to keep our families strong.
The very thing that instructed us on how to withstand not only temptation but also assault has been stripped away, leaving a postmodern emptiness.
Allen v. Milligan will have a precedential effect on other redistricting battles going on around the country and these cases, taken together, could significantly impact the political landscape after the 2024 elections.
Increasingly, our nation’s antiquated, inefficient federal permitting process is standing in the way of the progress these kinds of projects could help us achieve. That is why it is crucial for Congress to pass permitting reform this year.
Ever since Liz Cheney became a symbol of betrayal for the new American right, many Alabamians have warily searched for the “Liz Cheney of Alabama” — but to no avail.
We have been dealing with Palestinian terrorism for decades. In fact, this past week marked another world event involving Palestinian terrorists.
America has always been known as a melting pot. But sometimes if you turn the heat up on a pot too much, everything dissolves. Including the traditions and the ability to laugh at ourselves.
Why would we read literature if we could obtain the same amount of information from a six-paragraph blog post, as Bankman-Fried suggests? Because the point of reading literature is not to obtain information but to discover a different kind of knowledge: wisdom.
The Alabama game was on. The Crimson Tide was beating Texas, and my heart sang. We were at a family reunion.
In the midst of the battering, which is often relentless and ongoing, we continue to stand. The flag solidifies our sovereignty, which is why trying to promote other flags alongside or above it is pompous and foolhardy.
Whether it’s books that obviously have a social agenda in a library, the curriculum in their school, or even which school they attend, all parents have the right and responsibility to choose what is best for their children.
Life’s challenges, if approached with the right mindset, are what build character.
My childhood was not perfect – no one’s is without blemish – but for the most part, my parents and even society let me be a child. I’m very blessed.
As we navigate the intricate web of educational transformation, let us draw inspiration from these modern-day heroes. Let us be reminded that we possess the potential to make a profound impact on the lives of children and the future of education in Alabama.
Religion has always permeated public life. Now that government also permeates the public arena, interaction between religion and government is inevitable.
Life is often about picking one’s own poison. Sometimes there are no purely good choices, only better or worse.
Is it possible to have peace when good people stay silent?
The U.S. House of Representatives recently witnessed a significant development with its first ever vote to oust a Speaker of the House.
We tend to spend too much time reflecting on politics, the problems of life and the opinions of others. While it is important to be a part of those things, we can’t let those things become us as a part of our innermost beings!
So he’s sitting on the hood of his ‘73 Piece Of Junkola when an old guy at the next pump notices there’s something odd about this kid. Namely, the kid is wearing a tux.
We’re held back by a withering fear of speaking out and then getting canceled, of losing friends and of being deserted by family. Or even fear over our government coming for us. So terror shuts our mouths and kills our resolve.
Fight for what is right. Get involved. We can all make a difference.
Chief Judge Jeffrey Sutton just issued a complete smackdown of the American Civil Liberty Union’s (ACLU) case against laws preventing minors from receiving “gender affirming care,” simultaneously affirming recent laws in Tennessee and Kentucky seeking to protect children from puberty blocking drugs and hormones.
“What’s all the fuss about?” I wondered upon hearing these things. What’s so worrisome to our government about worshiping in a certain language?