Rise to the Moment of Truth Wednesday, January 15, 2025

1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

Sound Freedom3 Alabama News
Randy Tatano: ‘Sound of Freedom’ isn’t remotely political

In our current climate, everything is political, so now a story that showed the good guys winning is now a negative. Even a movie that doesn’t have a hint of an agenda … other than saving children.

Marriage Alabama News
Ashley Carter: A love story built on a strong relationship with God

In this journey called life, relationships hold tremendous value, none more so than the bond shared between a husband and wife.

Engagement Alabama News
Sean of the South: Popping the question

“It sounds like a plot from a Hallmark movie,” he says. “But that’s how it all happened.”

Exhausted Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Exhausted

Whether you’re post-op or pummeled by something else – work, life – all the things will be here when you return. Please. Take a break while you still have a chance.  

Jeff poor Alabama News
Jeff Poor participates in the Grand Council on 'Rightside Radio' with Phil Williams

Listen to 1819 News Editor-in-Chief Jeff Poor on "Rightside Radio" with Phil Williams as they discuss alligators, the Mobile annexation election, Kay Ivey and more.

Tommy Tuberville Alabama News
Jeff Poor talks Sen. Tommy Tuberville's fights with the media on FM 92.5 'The Dale Jackson Show'

Listen to 1819 News Editor-in-Chief Jeff Poor on "The Dale Jackson Show" as they discuss Sen. Tommy Tuberville's ongoing fights with the media and the likelihood that the Alabama Department of Archives and History will have their budget cut during the special session.

Courtroom Alabama News
Matt Clark: The relationship between Christianity and originalism

One hundred years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the 14th Amendment’s Due Process Clause protects parental rights. This holding is tricky.

Craig Monger Alabama News
Craig Monger talks the recent controversy involving sober living residents on News Talk 93.1 'News & Views'

Listen to 1819 News Reporter Craig Monger on "News & Views" with Joey Clark as they discuss the attempt by sober living residents in Montgomery to lure young girls into their facility, and their apparent complete lack of supervision.

North Shelby Library Pride display. Alabama News
Lauren DeMoss Benson: Protecting children from sexually explicit material is not 'book banning'

Library board members are charging ahead, making the giant leap to equate protecting the innocence of children with “censorship” and “book banning.”

Sound of Freedom Alabama News
Joey Clark: 'Sound of Freedom' is a must-see movie

“Sound of Freedom” isn’t a masterpiece, but it is a well-crafted clarion call to awareness and action in the face of the horrors of human trafficking in the 21st century.  

Will Ainsworth Alabama News
Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth: Alabama’s historic grocery tax cut shows we must always attempt to accomplish what others say can’t be done

Our success in cutting the grocery tax demonstrates what can be accomplished if we stay true to our conservative beliefs, build consensus among lawmakers, and have the courage to attempt to accomplish what many say can’t be done.  

Tuberville Alabama News
U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville: It’s past time for the DOJ and the SEC to investigate Prometheum’s ties to China

There appear to be clear inconsistencies in the story Prometheum is spinning. If Congress has been lied to in written testimony or if SEC statements have been falsified, swift action is needed.

Cereal Alabama News
Phil Williams: A bowl full of ’Merica!

The breakfast aisle of your corner grocery is proof that we are not a society that believes in being confined or limited in any way.

Farming Alabama News
Ashley Carter: Teaching the next generation to embrace self-sustainability

In the fast-paced, technology-driven world we live in, the timeless wisdom of farming and self-sustainability remains an invaluable treasure.

January 6 Alabama News
KCarl Smith: A national disgrace

The events of the Jan. 6, 2021 protest and the dealings with protestors in the aftermath continue to be a disgrace to our nation.

Heatwave Alabama News
Sean of the South: Heatwave

The entire region has been succumbing to deadly heat this week. There have been 11 heat-related deaths in the Southeast recently. On Tuesday, a postal worker collapsed and died while on his route in Dallas.

Mini Golf Alabama News
Jonathan O’Dell: Kay Ivey and Scott Harris made my business go under

Ivey and Harris ruined the work of people’s lives and neither of them has suffered any recourse for their actions. This is a travesty.

phone account suspended usa flag Alabama News
Matt Clark: Federal judge destroys Biden’s ‘Ministry of Truth’

There is perhaps nothing more illegal in America than mind control, which is what the government sought to impose through coercing social media into pushing its propaganda and converting it into its own Ministry of Truth.

United States Space Command Alabama News
Aderholt: How politics is playing a role in basing decision for Space Command Headquarters

If Colorado is ultimately named the permanent headquarters of SPACECOM, any support for this decision, whether purposeful or complicit, will reinforce the White House’s gross abuse of political power and the disregard for Alabama’s commitment to the sanctity of life.

balance justice Alabama News
Allen Keller: A lesson in ‘Legal Fluidity’

Definitions today seem to be continually changing. Resist the lies and tell the truth; for it is the one thing that can set us free.

Broadband Alabama News
Billy Taylor: Avoid the liberal agenda when expanding broadband

Unfortunately, efforts to get rural Alabama connected could be slowed by more red tape from Washington.

Fireworks Alabama News
Joey Clark: Sacred and undeniable self evidence

As we prepare for our annual July 4th festivities, basking in the warm glow of fireworks that light the night sky, let us take a moment to reflect on the light of America’s most explosive and emblematic document, the Declaration of Independence. 

Child abuse, child trafficking Alabama News
Phil Williams: For the least of them

Child trafficking is here. Let that sink in. Child trafficking is right here, in your state, your community or perhaps even your home. 

Wedding Gifts Alabama News
Randy Tatano: 'Boost Bags' are the ultimate wedding gift

The North and South have two very different traditions when it comes to wedding gifts. 

Dukes Alabama News
Sean of the South: The mayonnaise tasters

My cousin was over for dinner; we got to talking about mayonnaise. One thing led to another. The conversation got heated, and eventually we were shouting.

Caissons at Arlington National Cemetery Memorial Veterans Day AP Photo by Cliff Owen Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Who were they?

Perhaps you've considered your mothers and fathers on the weekend that leads to July 4, and what service means. How many families still give their lives to these United States? 

Supreme Court, SCOTUS Alabama News
Matt Clark: Excellent decisions in 303 Creative and the student loan case

On Friday, the Supreme Court issued its highly anticipated decision in 303 Creative v. Elenis and the student loan cases. The Court got all three cases right and should be highly commended for the excellent job it did.

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