Listen to 1819 News Reporter Craig Monger on The Jeff Poor Show as they discuss the controversy U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville finds himself in regarding "reparation," the word that recordings prove he used at a Trump rally over the weekend, and "reparations," which Democrats and most of the Alabama media claim he said.
Listen to 1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss taxation in Alabama and how Stephanie has reluctantly come to the conclusion that such a statement as "there isn't a dime's worth of difference between Republicans and Democrats" is sadly true in Alabama with regard to taxing and spending.
While most of the corporate press continues to squash our collective brains in a partisan vise of sound and fury signifying nothing this election season, the 117th Congress continues to exhibit the greatest vice afflicting modern American politics — moderation.
The incremental nature of taxation aids in its universal acceptance, but one point should be made in regards to government money: it doesn’t exist.
Has America changed? Are we the same US of A that these two gentlemen grew up in and so capably served?
I honestly don’t think anyone can prepare you for the overwhelming joy that comes with being a grandparent.
These days I know I should not be on the road at 8 a.m. or 3 p.m. Because that’s when parents turn into chauffeurs to drop off or pick up their little darlings and turn the local streets into the departure lane at a major airport.
The hotel parking lot. Early afternoon. He was packing his truck. Slamming toolbox lids. Reorganizing luggage in the rear cab. Iowa plates.
Let’s take each of the conservative-leaning justices and see how they think.
Listen to 1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith on Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan as they discuss educational freedom with Alabama being third in the country in per-pupil spending but 52nd in the country in some categories of testing.
In the early 80s we provided some incentives to recruit Mercedes to locate a factory in Alabama.
Listen to 1819 News Contributor Amie Beth Shaver on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss extreme comprehensive sex education which aims at children as young as four years old.
Construction of our border wall has been stopped, and many millions of dollars have been wasted. Violent criminals and outright enemies of our country are flowing into the U.S. and harming Americans in many ways.
Last Friday marked the end of the 2022 fiscal year. For state government, it was another record-breaking year.
We met a man named Junior. And we learned about bravery and true love.
Listen to 1819 News Assistant Editor Caleb Taylor on The Jeff Poor Show as they discuss gambling in Arkansas, with which Caleb is familiar, and gambling/"games of skill" legislation that may be introduced in the 2023 Alabama regular legislative session.
Listen to 1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss school choice and the puzzling pride that school administrators have, wanting control over homeschool and religious school students when state test scores are at or near the worst of all the states.
Power delights in its own effectual evils but does so while claiming to rejoice with the good of its aims. Power’s desired ends always justify any possible means.
School Choice is a hot button issue in Alabama and nationwide. But what is school choice? More importantly, what is it not, and what should or could it be?
The Order of Saint Maurice medallion is an award given to honor those who are inducted into the Order for their roles contributing to or serving in the U.S. Army Infantry.
As I got older, I began to realize that all of the things that I loved doing came naturally to me. I loved holding the little babies, and I didn’t mind taking care of the home and cooking. I enjoyed all of it and knew in my heart that I wanted to be a mom.
So, why do we cover hurricanes the way we do? Because many years ago some television executive decided we needed to be “dramatic.”
The first day of fall arrived in Birmingham. It came frighteningly quick. Yesterday it was summer, hotter than the hinges of hades. This morning it was cold as gumballs.
These “incentives,” in the form of government subsidies, have been utilized to create a market for electric vehicles. In reality, the market’s demand for electric vehicles doesn’t match the current interest with government regulation and subsidies.
Listen to 1819 News CEO Bryan Dawson on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss Landen Williams and his battle with macro and micro blood clots resulting from COVID-19, and Landen's thankfulness that he didn't get the COVID jabs which would have made his condition worse.
On Tuesday, October 4, the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on whether the people of Alabama, get to create its congressional district maps or whether the ACLU’s experts get to create them instead.
This week, Alabama Political Reporter columnist Joey Kennedy went on a patently false attack against the Alabama Policy Institute. His main claim was that API’s proposed $750 million in tax cuts would only benefit the “rich and weird.”