Rise to the Moment of Truth Friday, February 7, 2025

1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

Alabama political news snob Alabama News
Carter Ashcraft: Death, taxes and Democratic Party snobs

Don’t let them get away with assuming your stupidity. Do what Trump finally did and start showing with your vote and your voice that you see through the crap.

Nativity Alabama News
Kristin Landers: 'Tis the season to ditch wokeness

Woke ideas are ruining corporations, schools, the American military, and even Christmas.

Katie Britt Alabama News
U.S. Sen. Katie Britt: What we can accomplish in the new Trump administration

With Trump and majorities in both the Senate and the House, we will put Americans back in the driver’s seat, so we can determine our own destinies. The future is bright. Let’s get to work

COVID vaccine Alabama News
Stewart Tankersley: Congress finally admits the truth about the catastrophic COVID scamdemic

The COVID congressional report details the obvious: The COVID catastrophe was one lie built on another.

Alabama political news bitcoin2 Alabama News
John Wahl: Why Republicans should embrace cryptocurrency

In an age of unprecedented technological advancement, cryptocurrency stands as a unique symbol of financial freedom and innovation.

Alabama political news christmas wars Alabama News
Col. John Eidsmoe: Christmas wars – not just in America

Communism’s hostility toward Christianity is not shocking because Marxism is atheistic to its core. As the most visible celebration of Christianity, Communist efforts to suppress Christmas are also not surprising.

Alabama voting voters election Alabama News
State Auditor Andrew Sorrell: Efforts to automatically restore voting rights to murderers, child predators and terrorists must be stopped

If Alabama Democrats have their way, your vote for president, Congress, governor, the Alabama Legislature, and other important offices could soon be canceled by a convicted murderer, rapist, child molester, or even a terrorist.

Elon Musk Alabama News
Joey Clark: Chainsaws, wrecking balls and DOGE common sense

Milei is right. Musk and Ramaswamy must “cut to the chase” and “push it to the very limit” when it comes to cutting the administrative state.

Alabama political news communism Alabama News
U.S. Rep. Jerry Carl: Stopping communist propaganda in American classrooms

Freedom and democracy must be protected, and we simply can’t sit idly by while the Chinese Communist Party attempts to manipulate and brainwash our children.

Alabama political news trial Alabama News
Phil Williams: Good Samaritans on trial

The left sees accountability as a byword, an archaic symbol of something that common folk expect but elitists avoid. Unless of course you are a good guy standing up for your right to live in a peaceable world.

Alabama political news christ without bride Alabama News
'Christ Without a Bride': Talladega County veteran Mike Ray's Book on the Modern Church

A book by Mike Ray of Childersburg exposes what's wrong with the modern church. 'Christ Without a Bride' reviewed by Jim Zeigler.

Alabama political news grandparents Alabama News
Ashley Carter: The force of the family unit

There is a special joy, a transcendent kind of pride, that comes when you watch your children raise children of their own.

Advent Wreath Alabama News
Sean of the South: Advent candles in the darkness

I went to buy Advent candles today. It was a big box store. The young employee had no idea what I was talking about.

prattville christmas Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: Thanks to the pride float battle, Prattville's experience of 'peace and good will' is diminished this Christmas

For Prattville citizens who just wanted to usher in the season with that same continuity present in past celebrations, there is no good will, and thanks to Prattville Pride, there will be no peace either.

Alabama political news ivy classical academy Alabama News
Allen Mendenhall: Three cheers for Ivy Classical Academy!

The new Ivy Classical Academy (ICA) in Prattville dares to remember that the true purpose of education transcends the merely utilitarian or instrumental.

Trump hard hat Alabama News
Allen Keller: Recovering our classical heritage

For a long time now, the left has existed in a vague never-world in which its identity stems more from what it’s against than what it’s for: and lately what it’s against is Donald Trump.

china communists Alabama News
Col. John Eidsmoe: What should Alabama kids know about communism?

Communism remains a threat, and few children in our schools even understand the evil of this ideology.

Alabama political news detective Alabama News
Joey Clark: How government gets away with murder (and other perfect crimes)

Impunity is the perfect standard for getting away with perfect public crimes. Impunity is the standard upon which all governments tend to operate. Impunity is how the government gets away with murder. 

Hunter Biden Photo from Wikipedia Alabama News
U.S. Rep. Jerry Carl: Hunter Biden's pardon comes as no surprise

President Biden’s full and unconditional pardon for his son has created a new set of standards that are harmful to this country and to our justice system.

Alabama political news andrew jackson Alabama News
Justice Will Sellers: 200 years of election intrigue

Two hundred years ago, it seemed certain that Andrew Jackson would be the next president of the United States. Any casual observer would notice that he had won the popular vote and was on track to win the vote in the Electoral College.

Kent Davis Alabama News
Troy Carico and Bryan Battaglia: A call to action regarding Kent Davis

Rear Admiral Kent Davis may be a dark horse candidate for the 2026 Alabama gubernatorial election.

Villa Alabama News
Phil Williams: To our neighbor's aid

Securing our borders is a core principle of good governance. It is a key portion of providing for the common defense, supporting the general welfare, and ensuring domestic tranquility. Without a border you have to question whether we really have a nation.

Trumpdance Alabama News
Jim Zeigler: 'Trump Dance’ not the first time a leader has danced

Another first for Donald Trump. No national leader has ever invented his own dance that became popular.

Alabama political news cultural shift Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Creating a lasting cultural shift

Too frequently, political loyalty is shaped by party affiliation or identity politics rather than a careful evaluation of values.

Alabama political news cross Alabama News
Sean of the South: The prayers of North Alabama

On Highway 67, atop Priceville Mountain, stands the Cross of North Alabama. The 121-foot cross stands proudly in a flawless blue sky, overlooking a rural Morgan County.

Advent Alabama News
Jim Zeigler: Convenient, meaningful Advent study guide, and you already have it

Advent is a season of waiting and expectation for Christmas — the birth of Christ, the Nativity of Our Lord.

Alabama political news Christmas peace Alabama News
Kristin Landers: Cultivating peace during the holidays

Americans are some of the busiest people across the globe. It would bode well for us to slow down around the holidays. Just as we schedule appointments and meetings, we need to schedule time for rest and recharging.

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