Rise to the Moment of Truth Wednesday, February 12, 2025

1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

File 63e2c962 3e11 4ba7 abf4 39c691562764 Alabama News
Chad Mathis: Overdose deaths continue to increase; is Washington going to do anything?

Drug overdose deaths have reached another record high. In the 12-month period ending in September 2021, it is estimated that 104,288...

File 8199e70a 0597 41eb b749 53425fdcedbf Alabama News
Caylah Coffeen: On Ukraine, and the balance between tyranny and inaction

Why doesn’t the youth care about foreign policy? Why didn’t we weep over the horrors in Afghanistan and why is our blood not boiling,...

File 3a6f530e 0fb4 43a1 bbe9 ba422e2653b5 Alabama News
Matt Clark; Let the people work!

Right now, nearly every American is feeling the effects of out-of-control inflation and other economic problems. My guess is that most...

File f20192eb a49e 47b3 9dd2 a181a7ec1554 Alabama News
Guest Editorial: House Republicans didn't go down slippery slope on HB2; they jumped off the cliff

I found myself doing something strange as I was listening to the House debate recently on HB 2, better known as the “anti-riot bill;”...

File 4188163b f8a6 417f b6e6 8aa7a59e091c Alabama News
KCarl Smith: 'IN-reach' must come before 'OUT-reach'

This opinion piece is a follow-up to my editorial which was published on January 27 about diversity outreach. That piece was entitled,...

File e1c5696f 1b22 4d4d 94e6 e18a74c8e817 Alabama News
Ray Melick: If only legislators fought as hard for their constituents as does the AEA

It is hard to fault the Alabama Education Association (AEA) when it comes to representing its constituents. If only, when it came to...

File ea267f71 0218 4be5 8c65 4d22f708adb6 Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Senators, please don’t “Do it Again”

“Oops! I did it again.” Most anyone living over the past two decades probably recognizes the lyric from the Britney Spears song of...

File c5c722de 1d9f 4b88 a527 f7ca3ac830a2 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: How do we survive this wreck of Alabama education?

We came upon the accident in the middle of that recent weather event that hit the country in January, the result of what is known as...

File b3bf7626 7586 4b0e a018 ca1fe914317e Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Targeted tax cuts are good, but the target should be so much bigger

Last week the legislature began touting the fact that lawmakers expect to pass $100 million in targeted tax cuts this session. Combined...

File b718f95e f2bd 4e25 9417 5dc6f6529072 Alabama News
Joey Clark: Nincompoops and questioning the regime 'truths'

Imbeciles are always and everywhere. Nitwits are pervasive among us no matter the school of thought or political stripe. They have...

File 49ec85c3 8a3f 4b9f a9b1 243dab778e59 Alabama News
Phil Williams: On Parent's Choice Act, go big or go home

I’ve had some very interesting conversations lately with key people in the State House about the current situation with pending legislation...

File 9e77c2c5 cfa5 4042 ad5a 5ff64d1eefa5 Alabama News
Richard Simmons: Does truth really matter?

The great American author, Flannery O’Connor once made the assertion that “Christianity is worthless if it is not true.” Though I...

File aba8f42e 1156 4d6e 99ba 5c576647612a Alabama News
Guest Editorial: Enough with the money; what about the kids?

Virginia has turned Red from the top to the bottom. They recently elected a Republican governor, Republican lieutenant governor, and...

File 29903b4f 0ee3 47d2 8dd6 4c5200a8e7bf Alabama News
Caylah Coffeen: Gen Z asks 'Who am I?'

Recently I ran a small poll among friends and family around my age, asking about their emotional response to the conflict between Russia...

File ac0e2e89 97ee 42a7 87aa 2d88d054fcb5 Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Stop the insanity! Unleash School Choice for all

Some people define insanity as doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Alabama’s Education Trust Fund...

File 518943f7 42bc 4f87 bf37 4fed357ae938 Alabama News
Daniel Sutter: Education and Alabama’s Economy

The Hoover Institution at Stanford University has produced a report for the Alabama Innovation Commission, Innovative Alabama. Last...

File 56b10ca2 571b 4491 aa76 56241f7c523c Alabama News
KCarl Smith: 'Politico-schizophrenic,' and how to avoid being one

I grew up in a very staunch Christian and Democratic home. If you had asked me 20 years ago why I was a Democrat, my answer would have...

File 16e8e2a6 a750 4253 ac6a 033c24d52dc8 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Watching Super Bowl glitterati without masks; meanwhile in Alabama...

Moose, one of our bullmastiffs, got a bath the other day. Emmy scrubbed. I held the door. Moose saw me, a.k.a., “the lady who gives...

File 28aff21e 6548 4085 a86f b5af09f3fbac Alabama News
Krissie Allen: Instead of a return to 'normal,' let's try for 'better'

It was an uplifting sight last week to see a video of a Las Vegas elementary school erupting with cheers, squeals and dance in response...

File 85dc7892 4052 4093 818d 4971ae215435 Alabama News
Joey Clark: Liberty isn't to blame for what the Leviathan has wrought

Despite the triumphant march of America’s leviathan government throughout the 20th century to this day, individualism and political...

File 6df1447e fccb 45b2 92db 81e14e38e8a0 Alabama News
Ray Melick: And just like that, football season is over

And just like that, football season is over. Of course, there is no “just like that” like the Super Bowl, that truly American spectacle...

File 8bc8aa9f 01ca 4236 9c04 c711b99c17c5 Alabama News
Phil Williams: In the words of Captain America, "No! YOU move!"

AT THE ROOT OF THE FREEDOM FIGHT You’re likely keenly aware of the fact that progressive liberals have little respect and place little...

File 3db46c87 65b2 4bf2 8f24 751e9bdca24b Alabama News
Sean of the South: When in Bama

The anti-Alabama letters keep coming in. “I read that you’re moving to Alabama, Sean,” the email began, “and I’m not trying to talk...

File ef3de22e b7a9 49eb 9ba8 6d67a5b9ce17 Alabama News
Richard Simmons: Who decides what is moral?

We live in a time where people are truly perplexed over what has gone wrong with our world. There seems to be so much instability in...

File 599db396 9f94 4568 8bdc 819cee58ab3f Alabama News
Caylah Coffeen: Will gender disagreements make Conservatives a house divided?

Today, I bring you a report on the latest gender battle. Date: 2/7/22 Location: the fields of Twitter Casualties: human decency, sanity,...

File 1bb51108 a414 401d b601 2f2f0f41896e Alabama News
Ray Melick: SMH, it's another case of JABA

I saw a new internet/social media abbreviation (or maybe it's an acronym) that I had not seen before, that cracked me up. “JABA.” I...

File 9d257642 5985 40be 848a 1241dc8cf153 Alabama News
Justin Bogie: No. Mr. Ledbetter, it's not too ‘late’ for legislature to debate important issues

“It’s kind of late.” That was the message from Alabama House Majority Leader Nathaniel Ledbetter (R-Rainseville) when asked about the...

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