Rise to the Moment of Truth Wednesday, February 12, 2025

1819 News Opinion
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File 6018e7a8 2bac 4c41 a101 59e1f5c2e96e Alabama News
Caylah Coffeen: Fighting when we should be identifying

It’s a new year, a new semester, and young people are generally back in person at colleges. But what demographics are represented these...

File 9287d0de ecf2 4462 910d 6b5e0d25ed12 Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Turkey-Republicans

The 2022 Primary Election season is in full swing. With the Alabama Primaries scheduled for May 24, Republican candidates are committing...

File 1c10315c 506b 47e3 afa8 d3f64711bd07 Alabama News
Guest Editorial: Why can’t Alabama have a second minority Congressional District?

On January 24th, a three federal judge panel ruled that the Congressional District map approved by the Alabama Legislature in 2021...

File 8d11ceac fdb7 43aa b37b c78cae35f800 Alabama News
Andrea Tice: What exactly is the Public Service Commission?

It’s an election year and there are many state positions up for grabs, including the Public Service Commission (PSC). So, what is the...

File 0a5647c0 e9c0 4a9d 92e6 dafc85ffe7b6 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: 'What are you looking at, ugly?'

The phrase, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” is a lie from the pit of hell. Can we please agree...

File 30c75678 9465 4dde af3d ee416ee6043b Alabama News
Guest Editorial: This perpetual state of emergency has forgotten 'we the people'

By Stephanie Holden Smith   The state of Alabama – our state - has been in a perpetual “state of emergency” since Governor Kay Ivey...

File 539aa458 e997 41a8 9898 03695192304e Alabama News
Chad Mathis: Exchanging healthcare heroes for healthcare scapegoats

Recently, the Supreme Court upheld a Biden vaccine mandate that would require all healthcare providers at facilities participating...

File a13bb6d3 4208 4394 a9b8 332fa609805b Alabama News
Matt Clark: The Moore-Corfman case is far more important than you realize

This week, Leigh Corfman’s lawsuit against Roy Moore for defamation finally goes to trial. After Roy Moore, the two-time Chief Justice...

File 966f92f9 e8ee 42f9 b3b2 eaf069a0fc3c Alabama News
Joey Clark: Better to take risks than to live in fear

Contrary to partisan bugaboos, the United States remains an exceptional nation, even in regard to its own unique despotism. While partisans...

File a9ebcd9c 3c96 4d01 84e2 4eb998387a80 Alabama News
Krissie Allen: Prioritize the offense, or taking the battle inside out

Christians have been increasingly playing defense in society’s culture wars. Much of this is owed to progressives attempting to mock,...

File 546b9435 e763 4723 b258 d0cca0aa38df Alabama News
Ray Melick: It couldn't get any better ... until it did

It can’t get any better than this. How many times did you say that this weekend, watching four NFL playoff games that were possibly...

File a949252a 3f6e 4486 a6e0 f7554ba41305 Alabama News
Phil Williams: Hey, Twitter! I'm your huckleberry!

Well, it's official.  I have joined the ranks of those who have been banned from Twitter. Somehow, someway, I offended the gods of...

File 89809f01 0ef7 4ae9 b8fe 3b305b34e655 Alabama News
Richard Simmons: The dragon in the room

Close to twenty-five years ago, I read some words from Jack Welch that had a real impact on my life. Welch took General Electric, a...

File e982e94c 65c0 4a3c 89e5 936ebb4e833f Alabama News
Caylah Coffeen: Is COVID revealing or suppressing real issues?

I don’t know about you, but I’m deathly sick of hearing about COVID. I never thought I’d miss celebrity gossip, but at this point,...

File 7c778076 9385 430a 8466 cccc70521713 Alabama News
Ray Melick: Real voter suppression is when you don't vote

The calls used to come with some regularity. “President Trump is a dictator,’’ the angry voice would scream. To which I would respond,...

File b0ae6b99 6a41 43a3 acb6 bae715f6670e Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Rush to spend ARPA funds is feeding government rather than taking less from the people

On Wednesday, the Alabama Legislature convened a special session within the 2022 Regular Legislative Session, that will determine how...

File 26636700 8edd 478a b145 fc95d112f791 Alabama News
KCarl Smith: The Left can't bear to allow true free speech

Often in politics, there is the right side of an issue and a wrong side. But without our God-given freedom of speech, how would we,...

File 97e5b6c8 803b 4540 bd35 42071851ef56 Alabama News
Erica Thomas: Time for Alabama to channel a little "Towanda"

The 1991 film, “Fried Green Tomatoes” is as southern as it gets. A story from the early 1900s, taking place in a small Alabama town....

File 0cad4c15 21c4 4002 aafa fe326449162c Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Dear Salt, thank you

"Mom. I think you should try it." Easy for her to say, as I stood ankle-deep amid a snowstorm called Izzy, a Saskatchewan Screamer....

File 74533bfb 5826 4d4b 9aaf c511320c5ad2 Alabama News
Joey Clark: The unfortunate lesson of bowling alone

A recent shooting at Montgomery’s Bama Lanes on the Atlanta Highway reminds me of two things. First, I am reminded of Robert Putnam’s...

File 598c88ca ea75 4f24 9087 2bdf140f5866 Alabama News
Krissie Allen: CASEL demonstrates the limits of Social Emotional Learning

There comes a time when we all have to come to terms with our limits — with what is our responsibility, our role, or even our capability....

File 3e95f4c2 0d08 49d6 b96d ea7816a65305 Alabama News
Phil Williams: When our mayors - and governor! - provide cover for breaking the law

A few years ago, I realized that I had never read the classic book To Kill A Mockingbird by Alabama’s own Harper Lee. How did that...

File e1b58e67 2ff8 4d57 8151 aeb266648daa Alabama News
Dan Sutter: Innovation and prosperity in Alabama

Value-creating businesses drive state and local economies.  Yet in a dynamic, market economy, past success does not ensure future success. ...

File 4bb72bfd 537f 48de 922b de48e22c78dd Alabama News
Ray Melick: Alabama loses a game, legislature goes into action

Last Monday night, Alabama lost in the College Football Playoff National Championship Game. Two days later, the Alabama House State...

File 81066e15 3b48 4273 99a4 274e55fd4850 Alabama News
Richard Simmons: The value of friendship

After writing a blog on the “The Loneliness Epidemic, ” a friend sent me a sketch from “Saturday Night Live.” The sketch refers to...

File 50369324 2620 47e3 8e33 41029851c4a8 Alabama News
Caleb Crosby: Alabama needs a bold agenda for the future

Republicans in the Alabama House of Representatives have announced their legislative agenda for the 2022 regular session. Supporters...

File 58c48ff5 fe1c 4735 be48 3d99b30811af Alabama News
Matt Clark: A split decision on vaccines by the Supreme Court

On Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court issued decisions in two vaccine-mandate cases: the OSHA case (which the Alabama Center for Law...

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