Rise to the Moment of Truth Wednesday, February 12, 2025

1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

File 2607f7bd 2909 4aed bedc f5f744f3202b Alabama News
Caylah Coffeen: Blurred lines and a generation of plummeting trust

President Joe Biden is meddling with Congress. He wants them to get rid of the filibuster so debate will end, and Democrats can pass...

File 236c335d d0f2 4bf7 902d 7edebe810ede Alabama News
Andrea Tice: Oh, the irony of Ivey

On Tuesday night, Gov. Kay Ivey delivered a traditional state of the state speech to a room full of legislators newly returned to Montgomery....

File c0977c92 7b1c 4af1 8600 3a8e14db45f9 Alabama News
KCarl Smith: School choice makes education the best escape route from poverty

As we look to the next generation of citizens, leaders and innovators, it is important that we as a nation prepare them for future...

File 67b89ab6 c471 4718 9d72 bbf960179621 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Courage, even when you are afraid

When was the first time you felt afraid? Oh sure. We felt fear when we swung a tad too high on the playground swing. Or when we went...

File da692671 220d 405d 82d4 18af9c6f7ff9 Alabama News
Chad Mathis: Transgender athletes damage integrity of women's sports

A UPenn male swimmer who identifies as a woman is currently competing in women’s swim meets across the country. As he does so, he continues...

File 6a7228ef 1aca 479d 8f91 936ffaff2e35 Alabama News
Joey Clark: Only our legislature could equate gambling with "aesthetic character"

Not until the last couple of years have I taken time to shift some of my focus from Washington’s politics to Alabama’s own, though...

File 02e05ddb b125 4080 9c2e c6615c8bf19d Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Changing budget trajectory should be top priority for Alabama legislature

As the Alabama Legislature begins the 2022 Regular Legislative Session today in Montgomery, passing the states' two operating budgets...

File 6fb53a5b 90eb 487f be88 7ae9aa457292 Alabama News
Ray Melick: Alabama vs. Georgia - it really does just mean more

“It just means more.” Yes, that’s a marketing slogan that the Southeastern Conference has copyrighted and ESPN has broadcast into every...

File 95570a8b e30d 4b92 a65a daeb3e2c85dc Alabama News
Phil Williams: Why do you live here?

So here’s a question: Why do you live here? That’s not a rhetorical question by the way. I’m serious - why do you live here? There’s...

File 1fc54d18 2737 436a b478 3b381778beee Alabama News
Richard Simmons: Fugitives from reality

Dr. Peter Kreeft wrote an interesting book titled: Christianity for Modern Pagans. It is a critique of Blaise Pascals' famous book...

File d4c5f08d 837f 4836 ad62 0f297bcd0810 Alabama News
Erica Thomas: Picking the queen of your double-wide trailer

Who is the queen of your double-wide trailer? Country artist Sammie Kershaw said it best: “Sometimes she runs off and I've gotta trail...

File 78118797 240f 416d b56f 8516cb40c9a5 Alabama News
Caylah Coffeen: Carpe Diem, Carpe Domum!

It’s only the first week of the new year, yet optimism is scarce with inflation, rising prices of goods, and a difficult housing market...

File 233f7083 9058 4653 b0d3 f55f3e88900f Alabama News
Justin Bogie: State government wants to restrict who you can sell your land to

Foreign investors are purchasing larger shares of American and Alabama farmland than ever before. At least one Alabama legislator,...

File 1d9ac93d 1a61 48d2 bd2a 05ccb79ff44b Alabama News
KCarl Smith: The truth about the three-fifths compromise

In his 1925 book, Mein Kampf, Hitler talks about the use of a lie so “colossal” that no one would think that someone “could have the...

File b9177366 850f 4f24 bd8f 86af48307c7f Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: You've been 'retconned;' do you even know what it is?

A little history. ——— "What did you just say?" I collected my thoughts as best I could. They were young. I wasn't. Maybe I heard it...

File 0a2c148d 30c6 402c 877d a38046a21f5f Alabama News
Joey Clark: Bring your own yardstick when measuring Senate candidates

In 2015’s "Of Goats & Governors" — a book furnished by a Wise Old Tree known to many Alabamians as Mr. Flowers — an oldfangled joke...

File bf503c41 d0cc 4424 96de e110cf6f3658 Alabama News
Krissie Allen: When Congress fails the Gilligan’s Island test

Years ago, one of my professors told me about a “Gilligan’s Island test” that helps discern if actions are moral or immoral. Legend...

File a21defe9 ca12 4d93 8929 07e5bce8b403 Alabama News
Phil Williams: It really matters

I don’t know about ya’ll but we had an amazing time with family during the Christmas season! Charlene and I had kids and grandkids...

File 879103ec befe 4d4d be39 f3a778e8814b Alabama News
Andrea Tice: Mooning the COVID virus

My first time ever in downtown Mobile was to take part in the MoonPie drop on New Year’s Eve- this year. My husband’s proposal that...

File 5d156716 e1af 43c4 891e a6d6feccc5b4 Alabama News
Chad Mathis: Parents need to be in charge of their children's education again

When the Alabama Association of School Boards withdrew from the National School Boards Association (NSBA), they made the decision to...

File 718588a5 0c2f 4222 8f72 02cc9a9260cd Alabama News
Ray Melick: Alabama-Georgia rematch was inevitable

Be honest – this seemed inevitable, didn’t it? Alabama vs. Georgia, for the national championship? Since the Southeastern Conference...

File 2b9b7ace 741c 433d b155 fa8f9863b666 Alabama News
Richard Simmons: Starting a New Year

One of the most popular blogs I have written was posted on December 29, 2017. Since we have added so many new readers in the past four...

File 2dc50e7a 0804 4962 990b 48cfeb2a41ff Alabama News
Matt Clark: A red flag for free speech

In the Old Testament, the Nation of Israel was conquered by Assyria because of hundreds of years of unrepentant idolatry. Its neighbor...

File 90cd3d5c 108c 4aa6 bef4 c5b2e5939699 Alabama News
Caylah Coffeen: Millennials defy the myths, for good and for bad

As of 2020, millennials make up over a third of the workforce, the largest represented age demographic. As my generation grew up, we...

File 414dc90c a32e 4ca9 bbc6 bbeca9741d37 Alabama News
Justin Bogie: State government new years’ resolution should be 'take less from Alabamians in 2022'

As 2021 comes to a close, many Alabamians are reflecting on the year that was, making resolutions, and thinking about what 2022 may...

File 20309c36 4e67 4dfd 8ced 7c7ebc9d5cba Alabama News
KCarl Smith: The Apostle Paul, diversity outreach specialist

The Apostle Paul is certainly one of the best-known figures in the Bible. The letters he wrote thousands of years ago remain insightful...

File 1a12e9f7 afed 4939 8b9c f5698635038c Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Parenting - you're not alone; you will make it

How cute, right? Um, not so fast. I'm not in the picture. Instead, I'm seated to the left of Emmy, who is holding the baby, eating...

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