Rise to the Moment of Truth Friday, February 7, 2025

1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

File 82c24192 1016 4a88 8cab dfd57f77edce Alabama News
Tommy Tuberville: Biden's anti-family agenda

By Sen. Tommy Tuberville Our great country was founded on the idea that freedom leads to prosperity — the American dream. This country...

File f8f6e67d 3f9e 4c38 ac88 37b1e4520ea5 Alabama News
Phil Williams: Politics - It's all in the details

Some folks like to say “the devil’s in the details.” Not me. I believe that God is in the details. Details are what make the big picture...

File 3c118cfe 14fa 42c7 af59 6c647601d0a3 Alabama News
Sean of the South: The Club

By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South  The nursing home was done up for Thanksgiving. There were stuffed turkeys on bookshelves, twinkly...

File 49c9338d 5f66 4938 b01a 418cd41e6b09 Alabama News
Richard Simmons: Reflections on gratitude

I recently read a definition of the word “gratitude” that I believe was spot on. Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for something...

File 3a119665 4c62 4c4e 953a 12c0f5741dd0 Alabama News
Randy Tatano: Why I'm thankful for Vince McMahon

You probably know the name, even if you’re not a wrestling fan. He’s that over-the-top owner of World Wrestling Entertainment. Love...

File c7017699 a889 4ecb 9b0a 2ae63c603c96 Alabama News
Caylah Coffeen: Don't blame us, come alongside us

We’ve all heard of racism, sexism, and even agism. Has anyone heard of youthism? No? Didn’t think so.  Even in the height of victimhood...

File b31860a4 f911 4f25 b198 6ee511759970 Alabama News
Dr. Michael Brown: When the state gets between you and your doctor.

Just like those of us who witnessed the destruction of the twin towers in New York on 9/11 can recall where we were and what we were...

File 0c64639f a4ae 4e9c ae46 44d31e4b6fa7 Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Issues divide. Values unite

There are many things I’m thankful for in life ─ good health, clean water and parents who loved me, to name a few. Although liberty...

File 3dd774a9 94e9 4eef 80c7 e485bec6fca8 Alabama News
Thanksgiving Greeting from Gary Palmer

By Congressman Gary Palmer In 1789, President George Washington issued one of the first presidential proclamations for a national “day...

File e43e678a 38c7 4bc5 8975 0da8e6d46d4e Alabama News
Perry Hooper: We must give thanks for all our blessings

Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving as a national holiday in 1863. However, the first Thanksgiving feast took place in Plymouth,...

File d9afaa75 d611 4124 bee8 710e00f1c0ab Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Being offended can make us better, but it can't save us

Some people looove to feel offended because it makes them feel important. When your only tool is a hammer, suddenly, every problem...

File a41c96f4 f33c 4e97 8b86 1f3b21d9823e Alabama News
Ray Melick: Rittenhouse jury show government, media who is in charge

As all the reaction from the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict rolled in, the one thought I had was … why would anyone in their right mind want...

File 606e7227 0b44 4aa0 bbac 947681d3ae50 Alabama News
Krissie Allen: Nudging closer to the adult table (a Thanksgiving proposal)

Growing up the youngest of five children, I was often relegated to the children’s table for my family’s Thanksgiving meals. At that...

File cbbf0a97 d28d 45a9 adce 8fb2ce8ded4e Alabama News
Phil Williams: If Santa was a statesman; the legislative wish list

I’m going to say something, but don’t let it freak you out. Are you ready? There are only 35 shopping days left between now and Christmas!...

File 07662bc4 c7f3 4216 8ea0 bf55937da24c Alabama News
Perry Hooper: School boards gone wild

Across the country, school boards have lost all sense of reality. They have established local monarchies where they claim complete...

File 6f0e8efc 92b4 4d1f b74f d9ed83245a34 Alabama News
Richard Simmons: Can we be moral without God?

This is a follow-up to last week’s blog Why Nations Die. Arnold Toynbee concluded in his magisterial study on the rise and fall of...

File 5d257078 8128 43ef b342 ea7b16e2b0b7 Alabama News
Randy Tatano: Oh, great! Another Star Wars spinoff

Lately, the TV ads are dominated by trailers of another Star Wars series. Or movie. Which might be in theaters. Or streaming. Or at...

File 3d57845e 7e05 4451 91b7 2a8114ead4dc Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Court ruling gives Alabama lawmakers opportunity to give back

Despite the pandemic, the business of state government is booming in Alabama. It is past time for the state to give some of its newfound...

File 7908e51a e1ae 4390 9740 2ee2368b97ad Alabama News
Caylah Coffeen: Turning the climate apocalypse into a dance party

The useless United Nations Climate Change Conference recently concluded in Scotland. Here’s a hilarious twist: with gas prices rising...

File 0d275da2 3c0b 4e46 bc74 e8076478a0ad Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Political homelessness

In my previous editorial entitled, How to Defeat the Left’s Anti-God and Anti-Liberty Agenda, I shared my experience of watching a...

File 7ee1fe48 71b0 4c9f b62c bbe025e8e3d0 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: R-E-S-P-E-C-T

I called for his vote. What I got instead was an earful. "You don't know what you're talking about. You should be ashamed to talk about...

File 3708be78 d55f 424a 9029 85c080acdcb7 Alabama News
Daniel Sutter: Does Alabama have an entrepreneurship problem?

Alabama ranks generally in the middle of the pack on economic freedom, which strongly correlates with prosperity. Yet Alabama consistently...

File 8529901f 8d87 4b38 b0ac 4a8bfc5f034c Alabama News
Krissie Allen: The hard parts of antiracist rhetoric in the classroom

Teaching English in America just got harder. Last week, the National Council of Teachers of English updated its 7-12th grade English...

File efc32e55 8657 4c56 90ec 853bc5cfc6f1 Alabama News
Phil Williams: Bama on the border

What if I told you that your neighbor's house was being threatened; what would you do? Would you sit idly by? Would you gawk out the...

File 4938b723 865e 4c54 a125 14a8aba33bb3 Alabama News
Richard Simmons: Why nations die

If there ever was a serious threat to American freedom it would spring up amongst us…If destruction be our lot, we would ourselves...

File 9d074f0f c25d 4c58 b73d eecc71b7261c Alabama News
Krissie Allen: The power of 'probably' in a new approach to COVID-19 messaging

Growing up the youngest of five children, I didn’t have the benefit of having parents who had time to cater to my every want. I therefore...

File 9ec3408e 1381 4c04 b487 1d05f868d8e6 Alabama News
Chad Mathis: Virginia shows GOP can become the party of parents

For the first time in over a decade, the Commonwealth of Virginia has elected a Republican governor, a significant accomplishment for...

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