Thank you for being a valued reader of 1819 News. We exist to provide you with high quality honest journalism that has no agenda other than the truth. At 1819 News, we carry water for no one.
As a member of 1819 News, you join us in the fight. Your monthly contribution allows our reporters to ask the hard questions that other media has been bought and paid to avoid. It allows our opinion page to be diverse, genuine, and uninfluenced by the ruling powers. Your contribution also powers our daily and weekly podcasts, 1819 News radio hosts, and exclusive sports content.
Each member receives a gift with their subscription as a thank you for your support as well as exclusive member-only content. Additionally, since 1819 News operates as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, your donation is largely tax-deductible. Join us today.
Our flagship membership program includes exclusive 1819 News content, an 1819 News T-shirt or hoodie of their choice, baseball cap, bumper sticker, and the 1819 Quarterly Magazine.
Our namesake members receive an 1819 News T-shirt, sweatshirt, or hoodie, an 1819 News baseball cap and decal, as well as a subscription to 1819 News: The Magazine in addition to the exclusive content available to all members.
Our $5 Members join 1819 News and will receive an 1819 News baseball cap, Bumper Sticker and the 1819 Quarterly Magazine in addition to the exclusive content available to all members.
Our $5 Members will receive an 1819 News baseball cap and decal, as well as a subscription to 1819 News: The Magazine in addition to the exclusive content available to all members.
Members who join 1819 News at the premium level receive exclusive 1819 News content, tumbler, an 1819 News T-shirt or hoodie of their choice, baseball cap, car decal and the 1819 Quarterly Magazine. Premium members also get exclusive updates from President and CEO Bryan Dawson.
Members who join 1819 News at the premium level receive exclusive 1819 News content, a tumbler, an 1819 News t-shirt, hoodie, or sweater, a baseball cap, and a decal, as well as a subscription to 1819 News: The Magazine.
NOTE: Membership gifts are mailed after three months of membership. Depending on the tier, the first two or three months of your membership pay for the 1819 swag you get for being a member. Unfortunately, we've had a number of members cancel their memberships as soon as they received their merch, getting T-Shirts, baseball caps, and more at a significant discount that costs the company and our financial supporters.
This is an effort to operate responsibly on behalf of our financial supporters and mission. If you would like to purchase merchandise that will be mailed as orders are made, visit 1819 News Store.