The Alabama Securities Commission (ASC) elected Commissioner W. Allen Carroll, Jr. as chairman on Wednesday.

Carroll is serving his second term on the Commission. He was recommended by the Alabama Society of Certified Public Accountants and confirmed by the Alabama Senate on April 11.

“I am pleased that Allen will be assuming this leadership role on the Commission. His prior experience as a commissioner and his knowledge of the industry are invaluable resources to the ASC’s work of protecting investors from fraud and preserving legitimate markets in Alabama,” ASC director Amanda Senn said.

Carroll is the managing partner at Wilkins Miller, a CPA firm based in Mobile. His practice with Wilkins Miller includes a focus on forensic accounting and consulting services. He has served as a witness and consulting expert in a variety of commercial disputes in both civil and criminal litigation. He has testified and consulted on issues ranging from the determination of economic damages, lost profits, accounting malpractice, white-collar criminal matters, forensic investigations, and business valuations.

“I’m honored that my colleagues have selected me to serve in this role on the Commission. I look forward to working closely with them and the ASC staff as we endeavor to administer effective regulation and enforce Alabama’s securities laws,” Carroll said.  

Carroll graduated from the University of South Alabama with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting. He is a certified public accountant.

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