Alabama folks are sharing a Christmas gift with others throughout the month of December. They are spreading this message through Facebook, other social media and email.

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Those without social media are spreading the gift idea by text, email or printed flyers: 


Each evening, read one chapter

of the book of Luke in the Bible.

There are 24 chapters.

On Christmas eve, you will have

read the whole account of

Jesus’s life and wake up on

Christmas morning knowing

who and why we

celebrate Christmas.


The gift is free yet invaluable. It does not need to wait until Christmas morning, but needs to be shared now. Right now. It is a gift appropriate for any person. It is the right size and the right color. It will not need to be returned after Christmas.

If you start out late by not beginning your reading on December 1, you can either catch up to today's date by reading multiple chapters, or you can continue your reading of chapters in Luke through New Year's Eve, ending then. What a blessed basis for starting your new year, 2024.

Jim Zeigler is a former Alabama Public Service Commissioner and State Auditor. You can reach him for comments at

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