Veterans for Trump (VFT) has endorsed Dick Brewbaker in the race for Alabama's second congressional district.

Brewbaker announced the endorsement Monday at an event where U.S. Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) spoke about the importance of helping get endorsed campaigns running strong.

Stan Fitzgerald from VFT interviewed Brewbaker, saying he came highly recommended.

Brewbaker, a former school teacher and member of the U.S. National Guard, discussed how he had to leave both professions to take over the family vehicle dealership business. He also spoke of his son, who is a member of the 75th Ranger Regiment.

Brewbaker had no intentions of getting back into politics following his retirement from the Alabama Senate after two terms.

However, he said he now feels that "for the first time in my adult life, I feel my kids will live to see the republic fail, becoming ungovernable, and that the America I grew up in will just be gone."

When Fitzgerald asked Brewbaker which policy issues he wanted to address, he listed energy independence, securing America's border and preventing the Department of Justice from being utilized for political purposes.

"He [President Biden] is the first President to successfully weaponize the institutions of Government against political opponents," Brewbaker said.

Brewbaker concluded by expressing confidence about his election potential, saying, "The district I am running in was due to Democrats disliking the people Alabama sent to D.C, and they tried making a district that was easily won by a Democrat in November, but in November we are going to put a thump in their eye."

The Republican Primary will be on March 5.

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