MONTGOMERY — On Thursday, a proposed constitutional amendment (CA) requiring the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) to adopt policies requiring a daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer "consistent with Judeo-Christian values" at the beginning of every school day advanced in a House Committee.
Sponsored by State Rep. Reed Ingram (R-Pike Road), the bill would require a three-fifths vote by both legislative bodies. The measure would then appear on the next statewide ballot for a vote from the state's citizenry before it could be ratified.
Under the bill, upon determining a continued pattern of intentional refusal to comply with the CA, the state's education superintendent would be authorized to withhold 25% of state funding allocated to the offending local board of education.
The legislature would be authorized to further reduce funding in cases of continued refusal to honor the CA.
Ingram presented his bill before the committee before lawmakers voted nearly unanimously to send it to the House floor for a full vote.
State Rep. Marilyn Lands (D-Huntsville) zoomed into the "Judeo-Christian" prayer requirements, asking if a "more inclusive form of prayer or a moment of silence" would meet the bill's requirements.
"I don't think so," Ingram replied. "The way the bill says, the student does not have to participate. No clawback on the student if he or she doesn't participate. It's just like in our [House] chamber, it says 'In God we trust.' On the dollar bill. It's what this country was built on. We did it when we were growing up."
State Rep. Prince Chestnut (D-Selma) questioned whether or not religious or other groups would be penalized for not participating in the mandated pledge and prayer.
"No child participation is mandatory in this," Ingram responded.
With less than anticipated Democratic pushback, the committee approved the bill with Lands being the only audible "nay" vote. It now goes to the House for a full vote.
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