Students at Samford University have been gathering for over four days to sing and pray in a spontaneous revival that has been ongoing since Wednesday.
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The religious revival at Asbury University in Kentucky has set off a wave of similar events across the nation. Reports of similar revivals are underway at Lee University in Cleveland, Tenn., and Cedarville University in Ohio.

At Samford University in Birmingham, the impromptu revival broke out with one student who began playing music and singing.
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According to Blackwell, one student began singing worship music in the chapel on Wednesday evening. Soon after, students began joining in. Before long, hundreds of students were singing songs and sharing testimonies.

J.D Payne, a professor of Christian Ministry at Samford, attended part of the revival service on Sunday.

"I arrived at about eight o'clock; they were already singing and praising the lord together," Payne said. "About five musicians on stage; I think there may be two acoustic guitars, a piano, a couple of percussive instruments. About an hour and 15 minutes of praise and worship time. No words projected onto the screen or anything; students have the words memorized."
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Payne said one student got on stage, read a lengthy passage from the Book of Psalms, and gave testimony and exhortation.

"Everything has been done tonight in a very orderly manner," Payne continued. "Christ has been at the center of everything that's been taking place. I've seen people raising their hands, clapping, saying 'amen.' I was very impressed to see a lot of young men in the chapel tonight worshipping the Lord."

The Samford revival shows no signs of stopping, and the University has prohibited non-Samford persons from the campus.

Social media is ablaze with reports from attendees describing the events as they unfold at the chapel.
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