State Rep. Barbara Boyd (D-Anniston) is out of emergency surgery after her vehicle was struck by an alleged drunk driver Friday evening.

According to sources familiar with the situation, the 87-year-old Boyd was being driven home after the legislative session when her vehicle was hit by a driver allegedly under the influence 30 minutes away from her home. The status of Boyd’s driver and the allegedly intoxicated driver of the other car are currently unknown.

Boyd survived the initial emergency surgery, where doctors reportedly had to remove her spleen.

Boyd has served in the legislature since 1994. She is a retired educator with over 45 years of service in public and private education, secondary, two-year, and four-year colleges, including Jacksonville State University, Gadsden State Community College, and Miles College in Fairfield.

Boyd is the ranking minority member on the House Children and Senior Advocacy, County and Municipal Government, Rules and State Government committees. Boyd is a somewhat quiet voice in the House of Representatives, speaking most passionately, however, on issues related to education, teachers and schools.

This is an ongoing story; updates will be added as more information is forthcoming.

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