Republicans on the House Oversight Committee released subpoenaed financial records that showed multiple members of the Biden family received a total of over $1 million potentially tied to a business associate doing business with a Chinese energy company.

Rob Walker, who worked with Hunter Biden and President Joe Biden's brother Jim in a joint venture called Sinhawk Holdings, is now being asked to testify before the panel. 

The reports show that Walker received $3 million from Chinese energy company State Energy HK Limited. The next day, Walker's LLC wired $1,065,000 to European Energy and Infrastructure Group (EEIG), which is associated with James Gilliar, another business partner of Hunter Biden.

Subsequently, Hallie Biden, James Biden, Hunter Biden and an unidentified "Biden" received payments over around three months in different bank accounts. 

According to the House Oversight Committee report, the amount received by the Biden family is nearly equivalent to the amount received by EEIG. It is approximately one-third of the money obtained from the China wire.

U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) went on iHeart Radio's "Alabama's Morning News with JT" to discuss the investigation. Palmer sits on the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.

"There's a lot wrong with this family," Palmer stated.

Palmer said that the Treasury Department had agreed to comply with the subpoenas submitted by the committee for suspicious activity reports, and he believed more would come from that.

Nevertheless, he pointed out that the Oversight Committee could only refer charges to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).

"We've got to do due diligence and treat this like we would anybody else, not be so focused that it's the president's family," Palmer said, "[T]hat way, you let the evidence take you where the evidence will take you."

The GOP Oversight Committee released a Twitter thread on Friday titled "DEMOCRAT DISINFO ALERT," claiming that Democrats were distorting facts about the findings. 

"If Hunter Biden was getting funding, why use Robinson Walker LLC instead of his own companies to receive the wire from the China energy company?" the thread read. "Why use so many companies and structure payments over 3 months? The Bidens did everything to hide their involvement in the deal because they knew the source of the funds was shady."
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"I think there's a lot of smoke here, and we need to get it cleared up," Palmer said.

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