Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been in the White House for four years. What do we have to show for it? Record-high prices. A wide-open border. Out-of-control crime in our cities. The world is on the brink of World War III. Not surprisingly, these policies are deeply unpopular with the American people. Poll after poll shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans think America is on the wrong track.

Rather than holding the Vice President, who is running for president, accountable for any of this, the media is currently giving Kamala Harris a Get Out of Jail Free card as if she hadn’t been in the White House for the last four years. It’s truly amazing — and it has me thinking: wouldn’t it be nice to be a Democrat?

Just think about it: if you’re a Democrat, you have no budget. You don’t need to worry about the almost $900 billion in annual interest we have to pay on our 35 trillion dollar debt — you just print more money. We’re already borrowing $80,000 per second to run our country anyway, so what’s the big deal? You don’t need to worry about destroying the U.S. dollar. 

If you don’t have enough money to carry out your liberal agenda, you can always just print more! Other countries like Iran and Ukraine love working with you — and why wouldn’t they when you’re sending them billions of taxpayer dollars? You get to be the Socialist Santa Claus.

When you’re a Democrat, you don’t have to answer tough questions. You don’t need to lead. You can delegate your authority to George Clooney, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or deep-state bureaucrats. Joe Biden knows something about this. For much of his term, he has been at the beach. He hasn’t had to make a decision in years — and Kamala Harris would do the same thing. With President Trump, on the other hand, the buck stops with him. He has no choice but to make tough decisions, and no one will bail him out if the results are unpopular.

You don’t have to worry about your blue states like New York and California running dry thanks to scams like the “American Rescue Plan” that bail them out. Speaking of the “American Rescue Plan” — when you are a Democrat, you get to make up fun bill names like the “Inflation Reduction Act” to make everyone feel good, even though it doesn’t mean a hill of beans. It’s just another day in Washington, D.C. where the Santa Claus Socialists redistribute taxpayer money far and wide for liberal pet projects. 

How easy it must be to be a Democrat. In their mind, there are no such things as borders or sovereign nations. To them, there are no criminals—people are just misunderstood. No one is an illegal immigrant; they’re just a displaced person. There’re no males or females, it’s your decision to make. Men competing in women’s sports is perfectly normal. Boys using girls’ locker rooms is totally fine. 

Would you like a taxpayer-funded transgender surgery? The Democrats have got you covered. It’s like Oprah Winfrey declaring, “You get a car! Everybody gets a car!” but instead, it’s Democrats handing out taxpayer-funded transition surgeries to inmates and military service members. In the case of military service members, you get to enjoy "a period of non-availability for duty" and paid medical leave while you recover from an elective procedure — all brought to you by the American taxpayer.

It must be nice as a Democrat to turn on the news every morning and hear the media singing your praises. Ninety percent of the media is like your personal PR shop, running puff pieces defending your every move. If you’re a Democrat, you live in an ivory tower where you can give people unlimited free stuff — and then can escape to cocktail parties and receive pats on the back from Hollywood stars and corporate megadonors without facing any consequences. 

When you’re a Democrat, you can spend any amount of money you want in the name of “Climate Change.” Sending money overseas to countries who hate us in exchange for energy we could produce right here at home? No problem! Turns out you are quite popular among the billionaires at the World Economic Forum when you are signing their New World Order agenda into law from the White House.

Pete Buttigieg must be an especially proud Democrat. He oversaw the building of 8 charging stations—just shy of the Biden-Harris administration’s goal of 500,000. In fact, taxpayers were forced to foot the bill for the $1.2 trillion dollar Biden-Harris Infrastructure catastrophe, which most communities won’t see a dime of. But they won’t be held accountable because they are Democrats. When Buttigieg attends his next globalist gathering in Europe, I’m sure the environmental alarmists will roll out the red carpet. 

I’d love to play Socialist Santa Claus like the Democrats do. Everyone likes to get free stuff! I’d love to live in a world of rainbows, unicorns, and butterflies — without a care in the world. But it isn’t reality. Money doesn’t grow on trees — and elections and policies have consequences.

The actions of this administration, aided and abetted by the Mainstream Media, have been devastating to the American people. And the media is letting Kamala Harris off the hook because — you guessed it — she’s a Democrat. It’s time to fire the head coach. Kamala Harris and the Democrats are calling all the wrong plays. We need President Trump, together with a Republican congress, to bring some sanity back to Washington. This nightmare must come to an end.

Sen. Tommy Tuberville represents Alabama in the United States Senate and is a member of the Senate Armed Services, Agriculture, Veterans’ Affairs, and HELP Committees.

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