
  • Media now digging up SPLC label of Mike Johnson on their infamous Hate map
  • Sen. Tuberville blasts aid package to Israel for all of its unrelated extra spending
  • Montgomery doctor responds to report of dangerous DNA in Covid vaccines
  • Pre filed bill SB 4 would approve a 9/11 remembrance flag to be flown
  • March 2024 date has been set for fake kidnapping case of Carlee Russell


  • New Speaker of the House responds to mass shooting in Maine
  • Whistleblowers say 40 informants told FBI of Biden family criminal actions
  • EventBrite pulls down website page re: saving women's sports & Riley Gaines
  • Medical watchdog group now crafting Detransitioner's bill of medical rights
  • Last part of discussion with former KGB propogandist turned US defector

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