
  • Sen. Tuberville pays tribute to 2 AL soldiers KIA as part of Memorial Day
  • A grievance is filed by UAW union re: recent union No Vote at Mercedes plant
  • Federal trial delayed by 2 months for man charged with bomb at AG's office
  • ALEA says Montgomery PD Chaplain killed by driver fleeing police pursuit
  • 1819 News Podcast does review/analysis of 2024 legislative session


  • Wall Street Journal claims Biden doesn't want censure of nuclear Iran
  • $320M Manmade pier into Gaza loses section and results in 3 US soldiers injured
  • IRS whistleblower affidavit :CIA interfered to help Hunter Biden avoid charges
  • Donald Trump made a play for votes from Libertarians by speaking at convention
  • FEC will only fine Clinton campaign for creating Steele Dossier w/donations
  • WHO is setback from plans for world domination through pandemic treaty

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