
  • Governor Ivey tells Freedom from Religion Foundation "Don't threaten us"
  • AL SoS Wes Allen makes 2 more changes involving state election process
  • AG Steve Marshall has a long view that US Space Command will come to AL
  • A group of poultry farmers head to DC to support and reject bills on farming
  • The SWAT team in Mobile wrap up a drug sting operation with 33 arrests


  • Federal judge rejects Biden admin. regulatory attempt on oil in the Gulf waters
  • More Venezuelans are aboard trains in Mexico headed to US border
  • Robert Kennedy calls both parties to unite to address immediate border crisis
  • Fighting underway within GOP House members over CR measure
  • Mayo Clinic does whiplash move, now says hydroxychloroquine works for Covid
  • Ukraine goes full on Satanic by the appointment of new ambassador

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