Rise to the Moment of Truth Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Chickens Zachariah Smith unsplash com Alabama News
West Nile Virus detected in chicken at coop in Mobile County

The Mobile County Health Department (MCHD) confirmed a case of the West Nile Virus (WNV) in a sentinel chicken.

Photo by Mahew Schwartz Alabama News
Wild black vultures test positive for bird flu in Montgomery County

The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Recourses (ADCNR), in coordination with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), confirmed cases of bird flu among wild black vultures in Montgomery County.

Garden from Markus Spiske Alabama News
As grocery prices rise, can gardening and raising food at home save money?

As poultry and produce prices skyrocket due to inflation, many Alabamians are looking for ways to keep food on the table without taking a hit. Some have turned to growing and raising their own food. 

File 28cc9c61 bbf3 4eef 8529 acb0319f6a2a Alabama News
Avian influenza identified in the southeast

While the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has not yet been detected in Alabama, there has been confirmation in recent days...