Rise to the Moment of Truth Friday, January 31, 2025


steve clouse Alabama News
State Rep. Clouse: Early voting 'needs to be explored in Alabama'

State Rep. Steve Clouse (R-Ozark) said that Alabama joining the 47 states and the District of Columbia that offer early voting options to all voters "needs to be explored" by the legislature.

Election Voting Element5 Digital unsplash com Alabama News
Alabama Democrats announce support for early voting

“While more voters than ever voted in-person absentee, Alabamians overwhelmingly proved they want early voting, but Republican politicians prefer to restrict voting rights,," said Democratic nominee for Secretary of State Pamela J. Laffitte.

File 9da89052 d2b5 4d55 a1a8 a116b40b2dca Alabama News
House Democrats lay out agenda, some upset over lack of media coverage

  The Alabama House Democrats held a press conference on Wednesday to highlight legislation that their members are sponsoring and to...