State Rep. Juandalynn Givan (D-Birmingham) recently filed legislation, at the request of House Speaker Nathaniel Ledbetter, requiring every county and municipal law enforcement agency to disclose annually how many officers are on staff.
Several House Democrats have pre-filed bills for the 2025 state legislative session aimed at degrading the state’s permitless carry law after it became a scapegoat for increased gun crime in certain areas.
An Albertville High School student was arrested Monday after a loaded gun was found in his backpack.
On Wednesday, Montgomery Mayor Steven Reed and interim Police Chief John Hall spoke regarding the triple murder that occurred in the city on the Troy Highway Tuesday night.
While Montgomery’s rising crime has a ripple effect throughout the city, members of the healthcare community are sounding the alarm on the negative effects on staff and resources caused by increased gun violence.
Whether we like it or not, the issue remains: violence and fatherlessness are connected.
"Come back to me, and I'll come to you like a hen gathering her chicks. Let's turn our hearts and minds over to Jesus Christ, and he will heal our homes, our families and our communities."
In 2022, Birmingham experienced one of its most violent years in modern history, totaling at least 144 homicides. Several of the homicides involved firearms, many of which were drive-by-shootings.
The Mobile Police Department (MPD) has launched a new program in response to the epidemic of violence that has scourged the city.
"Gun grabbers use so-called 'red flag laws' as a gateway to push their disarming agenda," Katie Britt told the 1819 News following passage of national Red Flag legislation. "In reality, a 'red flag law' is an abridgment of the Second Amendment and can be abused to take away the right to self-defense with no due process.
By Brandon Moseley Wilcox County sheriff’s deputy Madison “Skip” Nicholson was shot and killed in the line of duty Wednesday night....