Rise to the Moment of Truth Saturday, February 22, 2025


File d2e33a24 6382 4fbb 9c84 3d66e2caeb9f Alabama News
Matt Murphy: A love letter to Alabama

It was supposed to be a fling. Hanky-panky. Not quite a one-night stand…but close.  One of those summer camp romances that come and...

File 184440c3 d45a 43ff 9623 241454746e9c Alabama News
Talk 99.5 host Matt Murphy signing off in Birmingham: 'I hope I made a difference'

By Erica Thomas, Managing Editor Since he got his start in radio at age 15, Matt Murphy has been evolving and improving his craft....

File 9453b2bc 72d8 41ae 8f9b cca83016ca30 Alabama News
Matt Murphy: Scrooge and the gift of political chaos that keeps on giving

Happy Christmas, everyone! I hope all are stuffed with Thanksgiving leftovers and have avoided a fall from the ladder setting up your...

File c26c69c2 5fcd 4611 b987 9fc28a0c737c Alabama News
Matt Murphy: Knowing the difference between 'could' and 'should' in government and private business

On the occasion I am asked what I do for a living, I’ve developed a pithy answer which gives me immense pleasure and normally results...

File b8cff48b 1f0e 4156 8b1d 8a087452b205 Alabama News
Matt Murphy: Afraid of Kay Ivey? Why?

Why does everybody seem so afraid of Kay Ivey? I mean this question seriously. Has anyone else noticed a suspicious absence of elected...