Rise to the Moment of Truth Saturday, February 22, 2025


School classroom education children Alabama News
Emma Gibney: API survey reveals lack of transparency in local public schools

Seventy-four percent of school board members who responded to a survey conducted by the Alabama Policy Institute oppose school choice. This is in stark contrast to the overwhelming number of Alabamians, 80%, who desire state-wide school choice expansion.

school board education Alabama News
API working to inform parents of school board members’ stances on hot-button issues

After months of gathering information to contact school board members across the state, the Alabama Policy Institute (API) has released an online survey asking their opinions on issues such as CRT, SEL, school choice, equity, and demographics.

File 9fc3f022 ae8f 490d a86d 9f263de4ad26 Alabama News
Marshall calls on Biden admin to withdraw memo intimidating parents critical of school boards

By Brandon Moseley Monday, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall (R) called on the Biden administration to immediately withdraw a...