Rise to the Moment of Truth Monday, January 20, 2025

Posts by Amie Beth Shaver

1819 Amie Beth Shaver Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Is free speech only for the Left?
File f1ae6ae2 724a 4093 924d 454222c5bc1a Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: We know what life is. Let's preserve it.

My granddaughter has her mother's eyes. And her daddy's nose. When she yawns, her tiny mouth forms a perfect circle. The handiwork...

File 73f82546 a89b 4175 b58e 0a3d008985d2 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Imagining a leader who does what he says he will do, then goes home

Sixteen days isn't a lot of time to get much done. Or is it? Does the name Cincinnatus ring a bell? It was 458 B.C. when Cincinnatus,...

File 19cecbae ec98 4075 b0fd 8218ba7cfe11 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: The link between COVID vaccine and fetal cells

Did you know that aborted fetal cells are used to create vaccines? Most recently, aborted children, tissue and cells were used to create...

File 602d49d9 c45d 4473 9486 4345c0b9ed93 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Planned Parenthood legacy

“There is only one thing I would like to be in touch with you about: the Negro Project of the South…We do not want word to go out that...

File b2d8664b 27c1 4820 aa67 7b8ac19631f0 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: A bonfire and our fight for freedom

It was spring break. A few friends and I held a beach bonfire for our kids. Two hours, three pizzas, and a lot of s'mores later, Anthony,...

File 9581ac0e e6b8 4bce 96ad 0ea557b584de Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: The Bench

Basketball fans, did you think your team would make it this far? Or were your brackets busted early? No matter what, there's something...

File f8424ea0 83d4 4786 bbb2 6f4edaab8076 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Blue Bloods and March Madness

"Do you know what happened?" It was Chris. I could not read his voice. I was at a volleyball tournament with Molly. I'd watched the...

File ab7542e3 ada1 47e6 bacd dcf0fb3ef624 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: When it comes to fixing the math problem, who is counting?

Raise your hand. Who struggled with math? I did. But I was never allowed to dumb it down. Were you? Of course not.  Because no one...

File e92c5337 6864 429e 81c4 86441ca85220 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Refusing to be worn down

"We're monitoring the situation closely." That statement was of little comfort to Chris and me. Well. Me. Chris was cool. I, however,...

File 6c66bdd4 ad81 4bd5 a587 493eab280ecd Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: With SEL, parents aren't welcome

What's going on with our kids? And with schools? And with the mental health push coming from our state capital? Is it terrifying that...

File c5c722de 1d9f 4b88 a527 f7ca3ac830a2 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: How do we survive this wreck of Alabama education?

We came upon the accident in the middle of that recent weather event that hit the country in January, the result of what is known as...

File 16e8e2a6 a750 4253 ac6a 033c24d52dc8 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Watching Super Bowl glitterati without masks; meanwhile in Alabama...

Moose, one of our bullmastiffs, got a bath the other day. Emmy scrubbed. I held the door. Moose saw me, a.k.a., “the lady who gives...

File 7beba2ed 94cc 4696 94d1 62aad15bc62b Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: When every day feels like vertigo, it's time to make a stand

Remember your mother's vanity? The wonder that it was? The cotton balls, q-tips, and beauty products? Did she keep a cup right by the...

File 0603672f f99d 43e4 b7ad 89c1d8aaba4b Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Standing on the shoulders of giants

Stop regarding man, of what account is he? “I can't speak out. It wouldn't be nice." Or, "I can't argue. They're the authority. That's...

File 0a5647c0 e9c0 4a9d 92e6 dafc85ffe7b6 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: 'What are you looking at, ugly?'

The phrase, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” is a lie from the pit of hell. Can we please agree...

File 0cad4c15 21c4 4002 aafa fe326449162c Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Dear Salt, thank you

"Mom. I think you should try it." Easy for her to say, as I stood ankle-deep amid a snowstorm called Izzy, a Saskatchewan Screamer....

File 67b89ab6 c471 4718 9d72 bbf960179621 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Courage, even when you are afraid

When was the first time you felt afraid? Oh sure. We felt fear when we swung a tad too high on the playground swing. Or when we went...

File b9177366 850f 4f24 bd8f 86af48307c7f Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: You've been 'retconned;' do you even know what it is?

A little history. ——— "What did you just say?" I collected my thoughts as best I could. They were young. I wasn't. Maybe I heard it...

File a9315f0c b2ac 4229 9243 45b1556c3dbd Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Love in the time of COVID bureaucracy

Have you ever left a vigorous discussion, stumbling over your words only to have your best thoughts show up as you walked away? Or,...

File f12987d8 ea36 4f4d bac2 48e0087d26b0 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Narcissists directing COVID policies

Just so we're clear. We're dealing with malignant narcissists. Y'all know that, right? You know, the ones that suffer from delusions...

File 8b755fe3 0d46 4e69 8607 3ef7c075e8e5 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Abortion, a follow up

“Mom. What would have happened to us if your mom didn't have you?" The child who asked was little. I was shocked by the question. Still,...

File cdc95a3e 0917 498e 9c91 5906cf919531 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: It was a secret, but a secret that gave me life

It was a secret. I was carried quietly by a 17-year-old girl. No one in her senior class knew I existed. I’m grateful that she gave...

File d9afaa75 d611 4124 bee8 710e00f1c0ab Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Being offended can make us better, but it can't save us

Some people looove to feel offended because it makes them feel important. When your only tool is a hammer, suddenly, every problem...

File 7ee1fe48 71b0 4c9f b62c bbe025e8e3d0 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: R-E-S-P-E-C-T

I called for his vote. What I got instead was an earful. "You don't know what you're talking about. You should be ashamed to talk about...

File 58e818de bdd0 4194 bb15 ceaf380d950c Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Believe in your kids - you never know what you might unleash

#Be Different “Mom." He looked up at me. "I'm going to play basketball when I grow up." He was four.  We stood in the kindergarten...

File ae9742ce 2603 4fd7 9399 71a281fa0d0c Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Using social media is using addictive behavior

My dad carried it as he strolled into my high school gym. It was basketball season. 1987 perhaps. I watched him and wondered, what...

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