A little history.


"What did you just say?"

I collected my thoughts as best I could.

They were young. I wasn't.

Maybe I heard it wrong?

"George Washington was an imperialist. He rode around in carriages. He was an elitist. Ben Franklin was bad too. Our founding fathers were terrible guys."

"Yeah. I don't like them at all." The other one said.

We were at church. Decorum and the church ladies who watched meant I had to keep it together.


"You know, A.P. U.S. History."

"Girls, have you read Washington or Franklin in their own words? Or a biography? Have you read anything that Howard Zinn didn't get his hands on?" (His ghastly influence on history textbooks cannot be overstated)

"One of Chris's heroes is George Washington. He'd be more than happy to share one of his books."

They looked stunned.

Then, they waved me off and went on their merry way.

That was seven years ago.

What was going on? How were they able to discuss historical figures with such dazzling disregard?

That encounter sent me on a quest.

A quest only fully realized, to my mind's satisfaction, when Chris shared a new-to-me term the other day.

It was in an article by the Hon. Thaddeus G. McCotter, “The Left’s Retconned Republic: Revising the Past to Mold the Future.”

Maybe you've heard of it?

It’s called Ret-con or retconning.

A Short History of 'Retcon' | Merriam-Webster

Retcon is a shortened form of retroactive continuity and refers to a literary device in which the condition or content of a previously established narrative is changed. ....

Essentially, a retcon allows an author to have their cake and eat it, too, as it enables the return of dead characters, the revision of unwanted elements of a work, and a general disregard for reality.


Is this our daily lives or what? Men and women are rewriting unpopular elements of work (our lives) with a total disregard for reality.

The high school girls I talked with, seven years earlier, were retconned, but they didn't know it.

Sure, revisionist history is the term with which we're most familiar.

But Ret-con - or retconning - is, I think, a more accurate term for what we're living through.

It was first as a literary term used in fiction - apparently employed in comics.

But it's not a stretch to suggest that today's reality has been ripped straight from whatever fabulous fiction the legacy media decides to peddle that day.

We've all been Ret-conned.

Our kids. College students. And, even us. Right in front of our eyes. Fiction made to pass as reality. Our lives, rewritten because someone said so.

Take COVID, for example.

Are you aware of the Trusted News Initiative?

It's the group of self-appointed guardians from across the globe who decided to contain the COVID narrative. Then, shut down anything they deemed false. Check these people out.

They are the reason, in part, that people disappear from Twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets, concerning COVID. It's why the most prominent doctors globally, like Dr. Robert Malone, are banned.

The Trusted News Initiative are Ret-conner's who tell us not to believe our lying eyes.

Or our bodily responses to the jab.

Yes. The Trusted News Initiative feels far away, but it's affected us in Alabama.

From ADPH Twitter:

Vaccines are designed to deliver a payload and then quickly leave the body.  The mRNA #vaccines degrade very rapidly from the body. Long-term side effects have never occurred with a vaccine. Any vaccine safety issues arise soon after widespread usage. #VaccinesWork #COVID19


This is awesome. So millions of people have received the vaccine, and no long-term side effects have been detected.

So, what’s this?


So death isn't a long-term side effect?


From the students whose history textbooks had misled them to us, who the legacy media, elected, and public health officials regularly deceive,  we're getting Retconned in real-time.

What will we do about it?


See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the world's elemental spirits, and not according to Christ. Colossians 2:8

Amie Beth Shaver is a speaker, writer, and media commentator. Her column appears every Wednesday in 1819 News. Shaver served on the Alabama GOP State Executive Committee, was a candidate for State House 43 and spokeswoman for Allied Women. The views and opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of 1819 News. To comment, please send an email with your name and contact information toCommentary@1819News.com.