Rise to the Moment of Truth Sunday, June 30, 2024

Posts by Conner Hayes

Birmingham-Southern College Alabama News
Conner Hayes: Negligence that kills — The destruction of Alabama’s most important college

The State of Alabama could not provide a loan to financially distressed Birmingham-Southern College (BSC), but they have made it clear they can buy. 

birmingham-southern college Alabama News
Conner Hayes: Birmingham-Southern College's fatal fire sale

BSC has already failed. It isn’t coming back. What is selling off the physical remnants of the place going to do for anyone? 

Edwards Bell Tower Birmingham Southern College Alabama News
Conner Hayes: The men who murdered Birmingham-Southern College, part II

Birmingham-Southern College (BSC) needed money to fund its expensive capital projects, ornamenting its gated “hilltop in the hood,” as some occasionally called it. 

birmingham-southern college Alabama News
Conner Hayes: The men who murdered Birmingham-Southern College, part I

BSC was pronounced dead and DNR (do-not-resuscitate) over the last several years by an Alabama Legislature largely unsympathetic to its plight. But we only see the tip of the iceberg.