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Rise to the Moment of Truth Friday, July 26, 2024

Posts by Joey Clark

ARMY2 Alabama News
Joey Clark: The Army's excuse for recruitment failures? Too many fat, stupid, drug-addicted bigots

The U.S. Army would rather frame their victory for diversity as a failure in recruitment – one due to a wicked mix of pathologies in the white male population of the United States.  

Propaganda Alabama News
Joey Clark: 7 lessons for detaching from political propaganda in 2024

Cherish your sanity and life outside of your political opinions. Try to enjoy Freak Show 2024 without taking it all too seriously!

Swat Alabama News
Joey Clark: 'Swatting' deserves more than a slap on the wrist

“Swatting” should be a felony in Alabama. 

Angry Crowd Alabama News
Joey Clark: 2024, the year of mutually assured destruction in American politics

American democracy keeps killing the thing it theoretically loves – individual liberty – yet American democracy does not die. 

DEI Alabama News
Joey Clark: DEI denies the gifts of personal honor and dignity

DEI demands the unearned, rewarding its acolytes a resentful license to carry out collective punishment and unequal treatment in the name of equal justice.  

Schwab Alabama News
Joey Clark: Long before Klaus Schwab named his enemy, his enemy named him

Klaus Schwab isn’t the first, nor will he be the last, to play God.

Decorations Alabama News
Joey Clark: Christmas decorations are useless things

When shrewd prudence comes to rule the mind like a tyrant, it will destroy everything that it deems useless, admiring only itself in its attempts to conscript the entire world as a function of its cold discernment and machine mind.

Peasants Alabama News
Joey Clark: Charming 'we the people' into serfdom

No matter its promises, charms, or supposed generosity – no matter its calls for selfless service – the government is a Selfish Giant with an insatiable appetite for more and more. 

Birthday Alabama News
Joey Clark: Grown men always celebrate the gift of another birthday

A grown man should be utterly embarrassed to suggest he or anyone else should make a big fuss over his birthday, but any man worthy of his fated age should always rejoice in the birth of new life and new family.  

Smoking Weed Alabama News
Joey Clark: It's a joke Alabamians can't buy pot

The war on pot is lost. It was lost long ago. And it’s high time prohibitionists admitted the truth: pot fought the law, and pot won.

stressed Alabama News
Joey Clark: Finding meaning in suffering

Frankl’s personal account of life in the concentration camp leads him to probing meditations on the nature of totalitarianism, suffering, love, time, dreams, personal responsibility, and fate – meditations worth a few hours for anyone to read and reread.  

Mushroom Cloud Alabama News
Joey Clark: Hope smells like a better bomb

A better bomb is terrifying. It's simple to understand, completely credible, and convincing. If a better bomb can’t save us, nothing can. Yet, despite hope in a better bomb, that indescribable stench remains. 

National Seersucker Day 2015, U.S. Senate Alabama News
Joey Clark: Politicians need to get more cynical about politics

A perennial problem with politics is that people in politics actually take themselves seriously. Politicians may act cynically, yet they are not quite cynical enough when it comes to their own political ambitions. 

U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Saks) Alabama News
Joey Clark: Dude looks like Alabama's Liz Cheney

Ever since Liz Cheney became a symbol of betrayal for the new American right, many Alabamians have warily searched for the “Liz Cheney of Alabama” — but to no avail.  

American Empire Alabama News
Joey Clark: Always east of Eden

Life is often about picking one’s own poison. Sometimes there are no purely good choices, only better or worse.

Capitol Dome Alabama News
Joey Clark: Our national addiction

A life gripped by addiction is a series of short farcical victories that spell long tragic defeat, where even the so-called daily winners end up losers in the long run. This is true for individuals as well as entire nations.

Jack Campbell Alabama News
Joey Clark: In memory of my friend, Jack Campbell

Rest in peace, Jack. I will never forget you. Years from now, when I’m that older man sitting alone at the local watering hole, perhaps someone will say hello and stop to listen to some of those same lines we once shared.

Upside Down World Alabama News
Joey Clark: An upside down world is nothing new to men of the West

Look outside your window at the topsy-turvy wide world, and I swear you’ll see waterfalls flowing upwards. The question in such an upside-down world is: Will you go with the backwards flow or set out to restore the world to its proper place? 

Pledge of Allegiance Alabama News
Joey Clark: 'Equity and justice for all' will leave us unequal and unfree

Those who would trade essential liberty for hollow promises of equity will receive neither liberty nor equity in the end.

Anarchy Alabama News
Joey Clark: Anarchy is the rule, not the exception

Men are quite bad at ruling and being ruled, yet they continue giving it a go.

Steven Reed Alabama News
Joey Clark: Old Montgomery is dead, let it rest in peace

If new Montgomery is to rise – and as a native son, I hope it rises to become the envy of the world – continuing to blame the sordid past for the lackluster present is a death knell for the future.  

Montgomery Mayor Steven Reed Alabama News
Joey Clark: When crime is your city's top issue, the issue is deeper than politics

Today is Election Day in Montgomery, and the capital city is in dire need of getting back to basics. But no matter how basic, the people will only get what they know, want and deserve.

Photo from Live and Trendings Facebook page Alabama News
Joey Clark: 10 good men and the Montgomery Riverfront Brawl

Ten good men can save a city, but you probably won’t see them in the national headlines – instead they are usually found where no one else but God himself is looking.

Steven Reed Alabama News
Joey Clark: The Montgomery mayoral race shows all politics are now national

All politics, at least in a free society, should be local. But they’re not. Not in America today.

Christie Alabama News
Joey Clark: 'His Rotundity,' Chris Christie (let's make fat the new black)

Let’s make fat the new black! For far too long, we have ushered into political power a parade of slightly fit fools. Skinny has had its day. 

Tuberville Alabama News
Joey Clark: Name-calling won’t cut through Tommy Tuberville’s unprecedented thick skin

In the midst of all the sound and fury of post-persuasion America, he with the thickest skin usually wins — and on this issue Sen. Tuberville seems to have the thickest of them all.  

2024 Candidates Alabama News
Joey Clark: Party unity is overrated, liberty breathes with division

Liberty blossoms when power is set against power, ambition seeks to check ambition, and ideas are measured and weighed in the tumult and hullabaloo of our public political dramas.  

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