A U.S. Supreme Court ruling affirming nationwide access to an abortion pill will "allow policies to continue which endanger the health and safety of women," according to U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville).

The Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that doctors and medical groups challenging the expansion of access to mifepristone by the Food and Drug Administration in 2016 and 2021 lack a legal right to sue. The drug is used in over 60% of abortions by health care providers.

"I am disappointed to learn that the Supreme Court upheld full access to the dangerous abortion pill, mifepristone. While I fully respect the Court, this decision will have a profoundly negative impact on the safety of women across the United States," Aderholt said. "From the moment the Food and Drug Administration fast-tracked the approval of this drug, then decided to loosen restrictions on mifepristone in 2016 and 2021, their stance has been clear: the FDA is willing to compromise the safety of women to ally with a Democrat political agenda and score political points." 

He continued, "The American people deserve to know exactly what this ruling means: this pill continues to be prescribed further into a pregnancy beyond the approved limits, without adequate medical supervision, resulting in increasing numbers of women requiring emergency care. The FDA's own label says 1 in 25 women who take the drug will end up in emergency care."

"The dangerous drug will also continue to be widely available by mail, eliminating the requirement for medical supervision and undermining state pro-life laws," Aderholt added. "The Food and Drug Administration has a stated mission of protecting public health and ensuring the safety and security of human drugs, and they are violating the public trust with these irresponsible decisions: they must quickly reverse course on loosening these restrictions. This Supreme Court decision will unfortunately allow policies to continue which endanger the health and safety of women. I call on the Food and Drug Administration to change their current course and prioritize the safety of women by placing strong parameters on the dangerous drug, mifepristone. Until then, I remain committed to working diligently with my colleagues in Congress to protect life and protect women."

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