The Alabama Democratic Party and National Democratic Committee (DNC) are at odds again.

In a letter reported by far-left news website Alabama Political Reporter, Alabama Democratic Party chairman Randy Kelley told DNC chairman Jamie Harrison there is a "race case" involving former U.S. Sen. Doug Jones (D-Mountain Brook). Kelley said Jones orchestrated a racist bit to pick delegates to send to the DNC.

According to the Alabama Democrat leader, the “former White senator” drove the DNC to appoint “fake delegates” instead of choosing the ones the Alabama State Democratic Executive Committee chose.

Kelley said although his party did not get to pick the delegates, he could still send his own to the convention.

Harrison told Kelley the Alabama Democratic Party missed the deadline for delegate selection and missed the deadline to challenge the selection made.

Kelley previously told 1819 News that he believes white people operate off the idea that there is something wrong with black people and that black people would be better if they acted more like whites. He also said “white folk media” is racist.

Jones did not respond to a media inquiry by 1819 News but he told the claims were "total bullshit."

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