The Alabama Republican Party (ALGOP) recently released Its "Contract with Alabama," which serves as a "clear roadmap" and highlights ALGOP's commitment to "strengthening our communities, supporting families, and advancing policies that put people first."

ALGOP released the contract fewer than two weeks before the November 5 general election. The state seems on track to vote solidly in favor of a Republican ticket, with the exception of the newly redrawn second congressional district, which will be tightly contested.

"We believe that Government's first priority should be serving and helping the people in the enjoyment of their freedoms, and not mandating their every move," the contract reads. "We believe that Government should act in a fiscally responsible manner that will prevent inflation and stop adding debt for future generations. We believe that Government should respect the individual human rights of every person, and treat everyone equally and fairly under the law – no matter what race, religion, or political party they may belong to.

The contract highlights several Republican priorities, including:

  • Rebuilding the Economy

  • Securing the Border

  • Supporting Parental Rights & Families

  • Defending Constitutional Freedoms

  • Protecting Children from Woke Policies 

The entire Contract with Alabama can be found below:

Contract With Alabama by Craig Monger on Scribd

"These priorities represent the core of who we are as Republicans and what we stand for," said ALGOP chairman John Wahl. "We are focused on the issues that matter most to Alabama families—rebuilding our economy, protecting our communities, and safeguarding the freedoms that made this country great. We believe in trusting Alabamians to make the decisions that are best for their families, not having bureaucrats or politicians in Washington tell them what to do. Our contract with Alabama is a pledge to always put the people first, to stand up for their rights and freedoms, and to build a future where every Alabamian can thrive."

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