With little mention of reproductive issues at the Republican National Convention, many anti-abortion advocates are concerned the Republican Party is toning down its pro-life agenda to win over independent and undecided voters. However, Alabama Republican Party (ALGOP) chairman John Wahl said that's not the case, and the Republican Party at large still holds preserving the sanctity of life as one of its top priorities.

"I think that the current platform is actually stronger on pro-life than the media is reporting. And it's definitely stronger than I originally thought it was," Wahl said on a recent episode of "1819 News: The Podcast."

Wahl said Trump's pick for vice president, J.D. Vance, will be an asset in the fight against abortion.

"J.D. Vance is a good pick on that issue. He is a pro-life candidate. He's pro-life all the way, no exceptions," Wahl said. "And I think that shows the strength in the Republican Party not shying away from the pro-life issue. Because I really don't think that's definitely not the intent of the delegates."

He continued, "We know what's at stake this election cycle, right? My go-to now is this election cycle is not about politics. Forget politics, almost. Forget the Republicans, Democrats, and all that. This election cycle is a battle between light and darkness. It really has come down to literally sinister and evil plots. It's a battle between light and darkness and it's a battle between slavery and freedom. Freedom itself is on the ballot this November."

Wahl said Democrats have become so extreme on issues like abortion that Republicans have an opportunity to reach new voters.

"The Democrats are so out of sync with the American people, and their agenda is getting more and more extreme and more and more radical that I think they're starting to break down their coalition,' Wahl said. "… [O]n the far side of the Democrat party, you have people who are just absolutely trying to destroy local communities, churches, families, faith in God, religious liberty. And so when you put that all together, this is our opportunity, this election cycle. I think we can break into some of these stereotypes that Democrats have used for years to keep people in their coalition, to explain no, their platform, what they believe in, what they're pushing, their agenda does not line up with you, your values or your view."

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