By the time my husband Chris finished his explanation of what an “M and M” was, I was sure it was terrifying and something nobody wanted to do.

“Mortality and Morbidity conferences were – and still are – a deep dive review of medical cases that didn’t end well,” Chris said. “Getting called up meant you were involved in that kind of case. You’d get grilled by the attending physician and have to answer for what went wrong. It was awful.”

He paused for a sip of tepid coffee.

“But the reason wasn’t to humiliate the young physician, though it felt that way. The bottom line was to ensure that what happened wouldn’t happen again. It was about improving patient care and promoting safety.” 

As he set the cup down, I decided we should conduct a Mortality and Morbidity conference on Alabama’s last legislative session. After all, if medical trainees understand that accountability comes with the territory and expect to get grilled when things go wrong, aren’t we foolish not to expect the same from our legislators?

As we begin our M and M, please note that we, the people, will act as your attending physicians. And we have big questions based on what many of you legislators chose NOT to do. You mangled several home run cases and we want to know why.

Gambling was staved off, but more on that in a minute.

School choice passed – a baby step in the right direction.

So did transparency in education – meaning parents can review a school’s curriculum.

Full support for defunding the World Health Organization happened, too.

The Alabama Legislature also changed how the state health officer is approved and how the state health committee is organized. These are good steps, but the situation is still awfully swampy.

But from now on, legislators, I’ll speak directly, because this is where your actions merit the most scrutiny.

Case number one is State Rep. Susan DuBose’s (R-Hoover) bill. How did you manage NOT to identify what a woman is? 

I have an earnest question: Whose fault is it if a girl is assaulted in a bathroom by a fully-intact-but-deranged young man who believes he’s a girl? Hello, Loudon County, Va., and that devastating bathroom disaster. If that happens here, will y’all accept the blame for the hell and anguish that accompany sexual assault? When will you get serious about protecting women’s spaces? We’ll wait.

Up next are cases two, three, and four:

  • You had the opportunity but didn’t update the textbook law and Abstinence Act. According to Eagle Forum, you could have protected our kids from obscene materials used in sex ed and allowed for public comments on textbooks before the State Board of Education approved.

  • Then, you could’ve passed a bill that would’ve added a porn filter on children’s cell phones. It was such an easy fix. What is your excuse?

  • And what about the bill regarding obscene material where kids are present?

My radio co-host Allison Sinclair explained it this way:

Federal obscenity laws exist. House Bill 385 would have expanded the federal law to include public and school libraries. Because right now, you can’t take a minor to a strip club or an R-rated movie. You’re not allowed to be naked in front of them or give obscene material to them. Unless you’re in a library. Where federal obscenity laws don’t apply.

So, because that exemption wasn’t removed, our kids still have access to obscene material, such as the book below, which is from Oak Mountain Elementary’s Epic app.

Epic App1 Alabama News
Epic2 Alabama News

Also, thanks to Allison, I’ve got a list of what’s still in our school and public libraries. Click at your own risk: Alabama SORA and Library Book Samples. The images on Allison’s list are vomitous.

Textbook Picture Alabama News
Queertext Alabama News

Legislators, are y’all good with that? Because we’re not.

One last thing as we wrap up this Mortality and Morbidity conference. It’s about gambling, which seems silly after what’s pictured above, but good job on not passing that legislation. And a sincere congratulations to the groups that worked hard to ensure it didn’t pass.

Regardless, you still refused to handle our kids' needs – their safety and protection – handing that off to big gambling, their lobbyists, and minions instead. And such actions don’t come without consequences.

“Any country that is made up of men (and women) whose policies are governed by their will, in disregard of God’s law and the cost to other men, is headed for death,” R. J. Rushdoony said in “A Word in Season, Volume 2.”

"The man who wanders out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead,” he added, quoting Proverbs 21:16.

Will you, legislators, like medical trainees, accept responsibility for what went wrong so that you can ensure the health and safety of Alabama’s citizens – including her children? Or will you refuse and legislatively lead us headlong toward death?

We’re waiting for your response.

Amie Beth Shaver co-hosts Alabama Unfiltered Radio show daily from 9-12 a.m. on News Talk 93.1 fm WAVC, and 92.5, WXJC. Her column appears every other Saturday at 1819 News. To book Amie Beth for media or speaking engagement's, email

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