“When is enough enough?” I wondered after seeing two pictures from a friend’s recent visit to Geneva, Switzerland.

The photos were of things I’d seen before, but not in a way that tripped alarm bells in my head. This time, though, it was different.

This time, I couldn’t miss the fact that there is breathtaking symbolism between the United Nations headquarters, that high church of humanism, and several other do-gooding – but endlessly pagan – organizations which have set up shop in Geneva. Have they formed their own kind of religion, giving the middle finger to God while seeking to overhaul the world as we know it?

This starkly contrasts with the Protestant Reformers and their work, celebrated in Geneva, long considered the heart of the Reformation. There, you will find a massive monument commemorating the lives of godly men like Ulrich Zwingli and others like John Calvin and John Knox, men who changed our world for God and for good, perhaps forever.

And so when I saw those pictures, I could only see two things: The church of man versus the church of God; darkness versus light; destroyers versus reformers. All in the same city, though separated by hundreds of years.

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Alabama political news reformers Alabama News

Photos used with permission of Parker Snider

Then, I couldn’t help but think of where things stand for our nation, and of what might happen to us since we, too, have thumbed our noses at God, stupidly pretending that we’ve long outgrown his help.

But before we get to us, let’s talk about the Reformers, who rejected the pope's authority and many of Catholicism's principles and practices of that time. 

In the end, the Protestant Reformation was built on five foundational doctrines known as the "five solas": 

●      Sola Gratia - "grace alone"
●      Sola Fide - "Faith alone"
●      Solus Christus - "Christ alone"
●      Sola Scriptura - "Scripture alone"
●      Soli Deo Gloria - "Glory to God alone"

Their work is commemorated by a massive monument built into the walls of the University of Geneva. The motto of the Reformation and Geneva, “Post Tenebras Lux,” Latin for “after darkness, light,” is engraved along the wall. This “referred to the breaking forth of gospel light that had been largely veiled throughout the middle ages.”

This stands in stark contrast to the saboteurs at the United Nations, a group whose motto could easily be, “after light, darkness.” The United Nations – whose building is a palace and was first occupied by the League of Nations – along with other Geneva-based partner groups like the World Economic Forum, maintains a petrifying level of authority worldwide. They are obtuse and nefarious, though they parade as angels of light. For example, this is what they say they do:

●      Maintain International Peace and Security
●      Protect Human Rights
●      Deliver Humanitarian Aid
●      Support Sustainable Development and Climate Action
●      Uphold International Law

However, according to Wide Awake Media, this – something that’s been years in the making – is what they actually do:

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Fiendish destroyers, indeed.

I believe that the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and other unelected mobocratic groups purposely set up shop in Geneva, Switzerland, the heart of the Protestant Reformation, in a not-so-subtle thumbing of their noses at God. After all, they’ve formed their church on secular humanism and the idea that humanity is capable of morality and self-fulfillment without God.

And this is where we come in.

We’re on the precipice of reformation or destruction. We’re treading a tenuous line between light and darkness. We’re deciding whether to worship at God's or man's church.

I’m not just talking about the upcoming election, although that can’t help but color this conversation. I’m talking about us.

We must make the changes before we expect our leaders to make them. By now, we should know that our politicians can’t save us, and that the state was never meant to be our god, because that god will certainly kill us all.

So, have we finally had enough? Will we surrender to the God-filled reformation our hearts, homes and communities desperately need? If so, are you ready to stand and fight what’s here – and even more, what’s on the way?

Because now is the time to choose whom we will serve (Joshua 24:15).

Amie Beth Shaver co-hosts Alabama Unfiltered Radio show daily from 9-12 a.m. on News Talk 93.1 fm WAVC, and 92.5, WXJC. Her column appears every other Saturday at 1819 News. To book Amie Beth for media or speaking engagement's, email amiebeth.shaver@1819News.com.

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