SILVERHILL — The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been alerted to a possible hate crime in Baldwin County after flyers were thrown into yards that depicted antisemitic writings.

Several people found baggies containing beans and pamphlets inside. Police believe the beans were used to give the bags weight so they could be thrown from a vehicle.

The pamphlets contained antisemitic language, including blaming Jewish people for slavery in the United States.

"6 Jewish corporations own 96% of the media," "Every single aspect of mass immigration is Jewish," and "Every single aspect of the slave trade was Jewish," the flyers state. They also contain what appears to be an old ad for the public sale of slaves.

Flyer 2 Alabama News
Photo: Erica Thomas.

The bags were thrown in dozens of driveways along Highway 55 in Baldwin County. 1819 News found one and approached the homeowners where it was discovered. Don and Ginger Perry were shocked.

"We did not know anything about it," said Ginger Perry. "And this is our first time to see it."

"We're Christian and very much pro-Israel and don't agree with anything that's antisemitic and what's happening nationwide," said Don Perry.

State Rep. Donna Givens (R-Loxley) said she was shocked that the flyers were distributed in Baldwin County.

Pro Palestine Alabama News
Photos: John B./Nextdoor.

"This concerns me for the citizens," said Givens. "I'm a Christian, and God's word calls us to stand with Israel, so I take a bold stand in standing with Israel."

Ginger Perry said she often picks up trash on the side of the road. She said she would be on the lookout for more signs. She hopes law enforcement can find out who is throwing them because she is concerned for the safety of her community. Perry told 1819 News she believed the FBI needed to be notified, which happened when 1819 News asked Silverhill Police about the flyers.

"Anytime that you have anything that could potentially reach into the level of being a hate-perpetrated crime against any persons, we take that very, very seriously," said Lt. John Hotchkiss with Silverhill PD. "And it doesn't matter what the cause or what the reason is, it is not acceptable in the law enforcement world for people to be victimized because of who they are. So this is one of those matters that we're going take very, very seriously because there certainly are victims who are affected by this, and it's an unfortunate thing that we are starting to see these types of events occur within our community."

Hotchkiss said the information and the bag would be forwarded to the Alabama Fusion Center, which works with the FBI and Homeland Security to investigate terror threats. He said it could be considered a hate crime.

Anyone with information is asked to call local law enforcement. Hotchkiss said it is best to avoid approaching anyone suspicious.

"Don't try and engage the person," he added. "Don't try and chase after the person because that could be unsafe. Just be as observant as you can. Sometimes being observant means just watching and trying to get a good description of the vehicle or a good description of the person or if they're able to do so without provoking an engagement."

"They can use their video camera on their cell phone or take photos or video of the vehicle, of the person who's engaged in whatever the activity is," he continued. "Then notify your local law enforcement agency that you witnessed a person or a vehicle spreading this type of material around and pass that along, and then that will be further investigated by the agency's perspective to dealing with this type of matter.

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