Dr. Anthony Fauci’s COVID-19 policies were based on made-up claims and not on scientific data, according to U.S. Rep. Barry Moore (R-Enterprise).

Fauci testified Monday to a House panel investigating the origins of COVID-19 and the government's response. Fauci served as President Joe Biden's chief medical advisor and as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases before leaving the government in 2022.

Citing a House COVID Select Subcommittee interview transcript with Fauci released on Friday, Moore said Fauci admitted his mask mandates and social distancing protocols were based on made-up claims. 

“Dr. Fauci admitted that his mask mandates and social distancing protocols were “likely not based on scientific data” and were made-up claims,” Moore said on Facebook on Monday. “The Biden administration continuously fails the American people.”

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