U.S. Sen. Katie Britt (R-Montgomery) has long been a vocal critic of President Joe Biden for his mishandling of the crisis at America's southern border, but Tuesday, on "Alabama's Morning News with JT," she didn't hold back her disdain for Vice President Kamala Harris and her failures as well.

Britt's comments were prompted by Harris' profanity during a speech she gave Monday in front of a large crowd at a summit for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders.

"Sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open. Sometimes they won't, and then you need to kick that f*****g door down," Harris said, followed by boisterous laughter. "Excuse my language."

Britt responded, "We all have our moments, but goodness gracious, to create that moment in the intentional way that she did … I continue to wonder, what does she stand for? Who is she?"

Britt speculated that Democrats continued to support Biden as their candidate for 2024 because they were "terrified" of Kamala taking over.

"We need to dig down more on that," she said.

Britt then dragged the vice president for failing to act on securing the border.

RELATED: Britt introduces 'Laken Riley Act' in U.S. Senate — 'Laken Riley's heartbreaking murder was a direct, preventable consequence of willful open border policies by President Biden'

"She was named the border czar, remember? He [Biden] said, 'We got a solution to this. The solution for the border is Kamala Harris,'" Britt said. "…She has only been there one time and has done nothing. We have not heard her give one speech about that or about how we can secure our homeland and keep people safe. She's more interested in putting out the left's woke agenda, and we're seeing that obviously yesterday as well."

"I want the media to hold her accountable for it, truly," she added. "She was put in charge, and she has done nothing, and it's like they're not holding her accountable. They're just not."

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