Alabama's U.S. Senators signed a letter stating their support for in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and accused Democrats of using "scare tactics" and "false fearmongering" on the GOP's IVF stance on Thursday.

"Senate Democrats have embraced a Summer of Scare Tactics — a partisan campaign of false fearmongering intended to mislead and confuse the American people," a letter signed by all 49 GOP U.S. Senators stated.

The letter added, "In vitro fertilization is legal and available in every state across our nation. We strongly support continued nationwide access to IVF, which has allowed millions of aspiring parents to start and grow their families."
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Britt recently joined U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in introducing the IVF Protection Act, which Democrats blocked on Wednesday. Instead, the Democrats are pushing to pass their own version of an IVF bill, called the Right to IVF Act.

In comments on the Senate floor highlighting the difference between the two IVF bills, Britt argued the Democrats would lose a "key scare tactic" they are using to win the November general election.

"If Democrats allowed the IVF Protection Act to pass today, they would lose a key scare tactic they believe helps them in November," she outlined. "And that, ultimately, is what this is all about."

Britt warned, "They're in week two of their summer of scare tactics, and eventually they are going to transition into a fall of fearmongering."
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On Wednesday, Tuberville bashed the Biden administration for lying about the GOP's support of IVF protections as the White House pushed the Senate Democrats' Right to IVF Act.

"This is a bold-faced lie," Tuberville declared. "Republicans are pro-life and pro-family. Joe Biden wants this election to be about abortion because he can't talk about sky-high inflation, the wide-open border, dangerous crime, or his disastrous foreign policy. No one in Alabama—or any other state—wants to ban IVF. In fact, I was proud that the Alabama legislature took immediate action and Governor Kay Ivey signed legislation to make sure IVF is protected and available for Alabama families. Voters will see through this in November." 

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