U.S. Sen. Katie Britt (R-Montgomery) said a leftwing smear campaign is backfiring in Washington, D.C.. The More Opportunities for Moms to Succeed (MOMS) Act now has 21 co-sponsors.

"The desperate smear campaign against the MOMS Act has been shameful," said Britt. "Instead of being a part of a commonsense solution that would help vulnerable women, children, and families, some on the left would apparently rather fearmonger and spread intentionally false disinformation. Several of my colleagues who participated in these scare tactics know better, and frankly many of them are better. Their debunked claims were blindly partisan and ultimately only backfired."

The bill would establish Pregnancy.gov, which would offer resources to women in all stages of pregnancy. It would also establish a grant program for mothers and health care providers.

"I'm grateful for the 21 Republican colleagues who have already backed the MOMS Act, and I look forward to continuing to build momentum for this important piece of legislation," Britt continued. "Supporting women throughout their pregnancy and postpartum journey is critically important and worth fighting for — and truly should be bipartisan."

Britt was one of three senators who introduced the bill on May 9. U.S. Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) also introduced the legislation.

MOMS-Act FINAL-Britt Rubio Cramer1 by Erica Thomas on Scribd

Social media influencers, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee and Democrat senators claimed the act pushed the anti-abortion agenda. They also said it would create a database of pregnant women and advance an "extremist agenda." However, a USA Today article fact-checked those claims and deemed them false.

The MOMS Act would assist moms by providing mentorship opportunities, physical and mental health services, financial assistance, childcare and legal support.

To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email erica.thomas@1819news.com.

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