By Brandon Moseley

House Democrats are expected to bring  H.R. 5376, Joe Biden’s massive 2,468-page, multi-trillion social spending bill to a vote on the House floor some time on Friday. Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL05) says that he will be a “NO” vote on the bill that "has been crammed through the House without adequate time for Americans, and Congressmen, to properly review it.”

“Socialist Democrats display their true colors and arrogance by pushing a massive unpaid-for multi-trillion-dollar spending bill that raises taxes, increases welfare, grants amnesty for illegal aliens, and authorizes even more federal takeover of local public schools, among other terrible policy provisions,” Brooks explained. “The only thing Socialist Democrats are for is spend, spend, spend— grow government, takeover local control, order the American people around— until a formerly-great America is broke and discarded to the dustbin of history.”

“Inflation is at a 30-year high, and Socialist Democrats care not one twit,” Brooks continued. “They ignore the economic reality of massive government spending and welfare giveaway programs that encourage welfare recipients to mooch off the hard work of others and cause inflation that ravages working American citizen pocketbooks. The economics are simple: when you print money out of thin air, that money becomes less valuable. Socialist Democrats are ignorant and clueless of basic economics.”

“Joe Biden’s terrible bill grants amnesty to more than 7 million illegal aliens living in the United States (according to the Federation for American Immigration Reform),” Brooks stated. “The bill contains provisions designed to parole millions of illegal aliens while giving them work authorization and REAL ID licenses that empower them to take jobs from and reduce the wages of struggling American families.”

Brooks, who is running for U.S. Senate in 2022 warned that the bill will only worsen the national debt.

“America’s debt will soon blow through the $30 trillion mark,” Brooks warned. “That is roughly $90,000 in debt for every man, woman and child in America. America has suffered $3 trillion deficits in back-to-back years for the first time in history. No one knows how bad 2022 will be, but this spending monstrosity is certain to make America’s insolvency risk worse. We simply have too many economically clueless Socialist Democrats and self-serving, debt junkie Republicans elected in Congress. American voters better act more responsibly soon, before it is too late.”

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office on Thursday released a report stating that the massive bill put forward to advance President Biden's agenda would increase the deficit by $367 billion over 10 years.

Congressman Gary Palmer (R-AL06) also opposes the bill. He and fellow Republicans held a press conference on the House steps to denounce the bill.

“Proud to stand with my fellow House Republicans to oppose the Democrats’ reckless tax & spending plan,” Palmer said. “It would rack up the national debt even more, grant amnesty to illegal immigrants, expand the IRS, and many more radical leftist measures that should concern every American. We will do everything we can to stop this bill.”

Democrats countered that Republican objections did not take into account an estimated $306 billion in new revenues that will be generated by the hiring of tens of thousands of new IRS agents. Democrats say that the bill will build a better America that is more equitable.

The Hill reports that the House could vote on the bill as early as tonight. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-California) will speak against the bill on the floor of the House at some point today.

Congressman Brooks is serving in his sixth term representing Alabama’s Fifth Congressional District.

The Republican primary for U.S. Senate is May 24, 2022.