Alabama teen Caroline Joyous, host of the “Fire and Freedom” podcast, joined “Fox & Friends Sunday” to discuss religion among America’s younger generations.

A new survey by the Public Religion Research Institute shows that 48% of Millennials and Gen X do not feel tied to any religion.

Joyous, who is 18 years old, said her generation is simply searching for the truth.

“I think what it really comes down to is Gen Z is desperately searching for something authentic,” Joyous said. “We've grown up in this fabricated world of social media. We've constantly been thrown disinformation and these filtered ideas of what truth is.”

In searching for something authentic, Joyous believes many in her generation are looking for relationships more than religion.

With a decrease in Christian believers, Joyous believes the future of America is at stake.

“America is a Christian nation, we were founded on Christian morals,” she said. “So, how is America supposed to stand if Americans aren't believing in those same rules?”

“And the truth of the matter is that – I know people aren't going to like me saying this but – without Christians in America taking a stand, without Christians in America being the backbone of this country, America will not stand. We will totally falter because we will no longer have a basis of truth.”

Speaking Biblical truth is the only way pastors can reach young people, Joyous added.

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