The 2024 Olympics in France is over halfway over, but the controversial opening ceremony on July 26 still casts a pall over the event.

Complete with nudity, overweight lesbians and transgender performers, the opening performance hit a sour note when it depicted a mock reimagining of Leonardo da Vinci’s “Last Supper.” To do damage control following widespread public outrage, many have tried to argue the depiction was not targeted at Christians or meant to insult anyone.

Not buying that excuse, Alabama Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth said Christians have every right to be angry.

“There's a thing in the Bible that talks about righteous anger, right? And Christians ought to be pissed,” he said Wednesday on “1819 News: The Podcast.” “The fact that they're mocking our faith, right? And then all these people out there, the whole liberal media, ‘Oh, they weren't trying to do that, y'all are wrong.’ I got a message to you, you're wrong, right? Because why did the Olympics end up apologizing? Right? You don't apologize for something if you didn't do anything wrong.”

Ainsworth said the Olympics opening ceremony should reflect the spirit of the games themselves, which are about patriotism and friendly competition.

“I mean, it should be about patriotism and about our country against other countries, and we want America to win. But I mean, just the garbage they're trying to put on there, it really pissed me off. I mean, I'm just being honest… [T]he same way they shouldn't be exposed to that garbage in school or in libraries. I'm sorry, but we've got to fight back and say, 'Hey, we're going to boycott, we're going to push back.' You put this crap on air, you know, we need all Christians standing up and saying, enough's enough, period.”

He said France's performance served as a prime example of how society itself is degrading. 

"There's a song by Casting Crowns, like a slow fade, right? And I mean, and that's what they've done to our society, to where we've got to be tolerant of just so many different things that go against what we believe, and they just keep throwing this absolutely ridiculous stuff out there," Ainsworth said. "And it keeps getting worse and worse. And just call it evil.”

He continued, “I think my message to people out there that, you know, are Christians is, you know, you've got to stand up for what you believe in. And you've also got to call things out for what they are. Now, look, that doesn't mean we don't pray for those people. That doesn't mean that we hope they don't repent or change, right? But I also think that, like, you know, having that type of stuff on a platform like the Olympics is not okay.”

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