As a medical professional, my heart breaks for IVF parents, and I am angry about the medical manipulation currently on display in our state. As such, I respectfully ask both lawmakers and citizens to consider an alternative viewpoint in this whole debate and avoid the rush of kneejerk policy making. 

Shame on Alabama Fertility and other IVF clinics for playing politics with parents and their children. They have had years to recognize our state laws and the Alabama Constitution, a document which protects human life at all stages and all places. They have had years to adjust their practices and business models and develop a contingency plan for their clients. They have had years to try and work with the Alabama Legislature. Yet suddenly, they dishonor their commitments and pull the rug out from these desperate parents. Then they have the gall to cry “victim.” 

In actuality, they should be sued for breach of contract and possibly medical kidnapping. 

It is well established in science and ethics that human life begins at conception, thus, embryos are children. These children have parents. And these parents have rights to their children. But IVF clinics are holding these children hostage for the sake of political theater. For shame.  

The current business model for many American IVF clinics wants to keep the best of both worlds: no liability and minimal responsibility. Thus, if we refuse to bow down to their demands, they choose the sword, a fact which brings the story of King Solomon and the two mothers to mind. Rather than change their practice and value the needs of human children and their parents first, it seems IVF clinics would rather “cut the baby in half.” For shame. 

And let us not forget the small group of hasty and ill-informed legislators who are trying to allow emotion and political gamesmanship to overrule sound science, sound law, and sound ethics. It seems they would rather help the clinics cut up the baby than find a better alternative. For shame. 

Anyone who knows me knows I care passionately about all babies and all children. I rejoice in the miracle of life as well as the ethical use of medical technology to increase every miracle. I rejoice in the growth of families. However, I do not stand by falsehoods, medical abuse, or political gamesmanship when it comes to human life and wellbeing. 

The current legislation being championed is unconstitutional, very imperfect, and unwise. We do not negotiate with kidnappers, nor their apologists. 

I encourage everyone to demand that IVF clinics stop holding people hostage and reopen. I encourage everyone to demand that IVF clinics work with the Alabama Legislature and medical board to develop better regulations. Finally, I encourage everyone to remain committed to the value of human life, while also supporting our wonderful IVF parents who seek the joy of holding their babies someday soon.  

Christine Carr is a nurse with nearly 30 years of patient care experience. She serves as a Health Policy Advisor for several child and family advocacy groups, as well as governmental and legislative agencies. Ms. Carr also teaches drug prevention, with nearly 25 years of experience writing and speaking on topics such as child nutrition and healthy families.

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