Mobile Mayor Sandy Stimpson's vision to replace the "obsolete" civic center is one step closer to becoming a reality. On Tuesday, the Mobile City Council approved the demolition of the old building.

"This will set the pathway forward for building a new, state-of-the-art entertainment arena," Stimpson said.

All council members approved the demolition of the civic center, theater and expo hall by Sabre Demolition Corporation.

Concerned citizen Reggie Hill addressed the council with concerns over the process. Hill said the city must have a completed site plan before approving funding for the project. He said he believed the city was wasting taxpayer dollars on building a new facility when the old civic center could be renovated.

Councilman William Carroll pointed out that the demolition contract is separate from the construction contract, and a completed site plan is not required for demolition.

"They are two separate contracts, two separate operations," Carroll said. "So, let's not be confused in the city of Mobile. Let's actually listen to the people that actually deal with the process and permitting, deal with the process and design and know exactly the process that we're going and not just listen to rhetoric."

A renovation would only last 15 years, but the new building could last 50 years.

The demolition process will begin in August and is expected to cost over $4 million.

A groundbreaking project is planned for 2025, and the new arena is expected to be completed in 2027.

The City is asking Mobilians to share their memories of the existing civic center online.

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