A rape in Prattville in May 2023 by an illegal alien from Honduras was the result of the Biden administration’s “dangerous immigration policies,” according to a report released by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.

The incident occurred last year inside a restaurant on Cobbs Ford Road in Prattville, where the victim said she was forced into a bathroom stall in the woman's bathroom and raped by Grevi Geovani Rivera-Zavala, 29. According to District Attorney C.J. Robinson, the attack was random, and the teenage victim did not know Rivera-Zavala.

Rivera-Zavala later pleaded guilty to second-degree rape in April and received a 10-year sentence in the Alabama Department of Corrections. Rivera-Zavala will be released into the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for deportation once his sentence is completed. 

According to the report by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, Rivera-Zavala was initially encountered by the U.S. Border Patrol in Texas and expelled to Mexico in 2021. He was also arrested for domestic violence in 2020 in Honduras.

“The Committee’s review of Rivera Zavala’s A-file reveals that, on November 29, 2021, Border Patrol encountered Rivera Zavala in Eagle Pass, Texas, and subsequently expelled him to Mexico pursuant to Title 42 authority. According to an ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations summary contained in his A-File, Rivera Zavala later entered the United States at an unknown time and place, presumably as a 'gotaway,'” the report stated.

“Less than two years later, on May 13, 2023, the Prattville, Alabama, police department arrested Rivera Zavala for a vicious assault on a teenage girl," the report continued. "According to a witness, the victim was 'eating at a Prattville restaurant with relatives when she noticed a man, whom she later identified as Rivera Zavala, staring at her from across the restaurant.' Rivera Zavala later followed her into the restroom, locked the door, forced her into a stall, and brutally assaulted her as she attempted to kick and fight him off. ICE issued a warrant for Rivera Zavala’s arrest and lodged an immigration detainer against him the same day. Although ICE lodged a detainer against the alien following his arrest by Prattville police on May 13, 2023, it was only after the Committee’s May 24, 2023, letter that ICE confirmed with the U.S. embassy in Honduras that Rivera Zavala had a criminal record in his home country—a domestic violence arrest on December 17, 2020.”

While illegal aliens are vetted for crimes committed in the United States, they aren’t vetted for crimes committed in their country of origin, according to the report.

“The disastrous immigration policies of the Biden-Harris Administration have had real-world consequences for American citizens. The effects of those policies will be felt for years to come, with criminal aliens in American neighborhoods harming families and hurting public safety across the country. Rivera Zavala’s victim suffered as a result of the Biden-Harris Administration’s open-borders policies incentivized him to cross the border and allowed him to illegally enter the country. Tragically, Rivera Zavala’s victim is not criminal illegal aliens’ only victim,” the report concluded. “For 15 months, President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Senate Democrats have failed to consider the House-passed H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act of 2023, despite rapidly deteriorating conditions both at the border and in the interior. To secure America, the Senate must pass, and President Biden must sign into law, H.R. 2. In the meantime, the Committee and Subcommittee will continue to conduct vigorous oversight to inform legislative reforms to address President Biden and Vice President Harris’s dangerous immigration policies.”

08-28-2024 the Case of the Illegal Alien Who Brutally Assaulted a Teenage Girl in Alabama by Caleb Taylor on Scribd

To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email caleb.taylor@1819News.com.

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