Wetumpka was the arts center for the southeastern United States from 1937 to 1948. This Saturday, that experience will be recreated for a day.

"Downtown Artists" will take over three blocks in historic Wetumpka from  10 a.m. to 5 p.m. No ticket is needed, and there's no cost. Art lovers, come on out.

Some 57 artists from across Alabama and a few from out of state will set up, display their wares and interact with art lovers. Some will paint in front of your eyes — plein air.

This year will be the third year for the growing event. It is organized by Wetumpka artist and art shop owner Don Sawyer. In another lifetime, Don was a successful realtor in Montgomery before he answered his true calling – painting and the promotion of art in Alabama.

As a realtor, Sawyer ran an award-winning TV ad with the tagline “Thank you, Don.”  Now, the artists of Alabama and we art lovers can again say, “Thank you, Don.”

Here is the latest update on the event from Don Sawyer:

On Saturday May 18 we are going to have a major art event. 57 Artists with art in every genre, including art objects, formally known as crafts, and culinary art, aka handmade candies, pies, cakes and other delights to drive you crazy.

We have advertised the show heavily and expect a large crowd. To leave the sidewalks open, the Artists’ tents will be in the parking places in front of your stores. There will be a huge amount of foot traffic on the sidewalk.

Thanks to all of your support of The Downtown Artists. And pray for good weather.


The constantly-changing Weather App is now showing a 45% chance of light drizzle Saturday, turning to sunny. It’s Alabama. Our weather is about as predictable as our football. The artists each have a tent. Come on out.


Artist Brittini Smith of Sunshine and Pixie Dust Art Studio said:

So excited!!! My new batch of prints have arrived!!!! Come check them out Saturday at the Downtown Artists Wetumpka Artshow!!! I will be in front of Grumpy Dog Wetumpka !! ORIGINAL ART WORK AND PRINTS AVAILABLE!!!


I WILL BE PAINTING LIVE!!!!!! Come see me and all the other artists!!!

Previews Alabama News
Artist Brittini Smith

Artist Jordan Murphy:

“Last Days”

16x20  Acrylic on Canvas

The painting speaks to the last days of being in Mexico and the transition of things that took place here. Also speaks to the larger view of things as the end of all things settles and reveals the truth of our Messiah in the midst. A time when his people are revealed to be God covenant people in contrast to all that is around. A time when we separate from the profanity of the times and divorce ourselves from that which is utterly pointless, useless and simply not the actual life of our Christ. A time of maturity. A time of trial, and temptation. Only to be met with a time of great grace to help you overcome it all by the knowledge of Him

We overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the Word of our testimony and loving our lives not, even so much as to shrink back from death.

Preview2 Alabama News
"Last Days." Artist Jordan Murphy

 Artist Andy Saczynski

Curvy Gator.  Curvy Gator — Art by Andy Saczynski

Preview3 Alabama News
'Curvy Gator.' Artist Andy Saczynski.

Jim ‘Zig’ Zeigler’s beat is the colorful and positive about Alabama. He writes about Alabama people, places, events, groups and prominent deaths. He is a former Alabama Public Service Commissioner and State Auditor. You can reach him for comments at ZeiglerElderCare@yahoo.com.

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