Darryl Albert, the now-former Montgomery Police chief who resigned in April amid accusations of sexual misconduct, is now seeking to take the police chief position in Austin, Texas.

According to the local news site KXAN, Albert is one of 32 candidates being considered for the position. Interviews are slated to start at the end of July.

Albert was placed on leave two months after a former female Montgomery Police Department (MPD) officer accused Albert of retaliation for refusing his sexual advances.

In March, Renee Helton, a former MPD officer, said she was fired from the MPD after a period of poor treatment for refusing to engage in a sexual relationship with Albert. She claims her termination came months after filing an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) complaint against the department.

SEE: Fmr Montgomery police officer accuses Police Chief Darryl Albert of retaliation after refusing sexual advances

Montgomery Mayor Steven Reed gave very few details on Albert's resignation, saying it transpired after he was part of an active investigation conducted by the criminal investigations department. Reed said no more than one case of sexual harassment was investigated.

Controversy surrounding Albert did not begin in Montgomery. Before taking the position in Montgomery, a New Orleans Police Department employee alleged that Albert used "intimidation and retaliation to implant fear into the employees" while employed as the commander of the crime lab in the NOPD.

Representatives with the Austin Police Department did not immediately return calls from 1819 News.

To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email craig.monger@1819news.com.

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