ENTERPRISE — Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, a U.S. Army Flight Surgeon for the First Army Brigade at Fort Novosel, spoke to the Republican Women of Coffee County on Wednesday and recounted her story as a COVID-19 vaccine whistleblower and the faith that fortified her amid intense opposition.  

Long told those in attendance, “Three years ago, after stepping forward as a military whistleblower threatening  the pharmaceutical industry’s $98 million-a-day profits with catastrophic data from the military’s  own defense, medical, epidemiology database, my attorneys and I had to consider that I could  have my door broken down and arrested for speaking the truth.”  

In September 2021, Long filed an affidavit with a lawsuit in the Robert v. Austin case with attorney Todd Callender against the Biden administration’s military vaccine mandate and recommended that all military pilots who had taken the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine be grounded.  

In November of that year, Long testified before a U.S. Senate roundtable called by U.S. Sen. Ron  Johnson (R-Wis.) about the harmful impacts of the COVID-19 vaccine mandate on the U.S.  military.

She told the U.S. Senate, “I made numerous efforts to get senior medical leaders to, at the very least, inform soldiers of this risk; my concerns were ignored.”  

Long told the Coffee County Republican women that one FDA whistleblower who testified said  “there was no quality assurance” in the over 300 places that manufactured the vaccines and  “there was 1,000% variation from vial to vial.”  

Long explained that her faith in the medical “experts” was forever shattered when a maternal-fetal medicine doctor lectured her about her second pregnancy – she had experienced heart challenges and ovarian failure following her first pregnancy – and demanded that she abort her son.  

“Why am I the person I am today?” Long reflected. “Because that day, I learned not to trust the experts, not to forfeit my soul because of the science… The similarities between my encounter  with my maternal-fetal medicine doctor and the fear-mongering of the pandemic were strategies  out of the same playbook: fear.”  

In January 2022, Long’s father received a COVID-19 vaccine booster, and several months later, he was diagnosed with cancer “in almost every bone of his body,” leading to his death in August  2022.

She said, “My father is one of so many people I know that have died after taking the COVID-19 vaccines… he had a [vaccine] lot number that killed hundreds of people.” 

Long stressed that the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) vastly underreports deaths and injuries, as reports she filed on soldiers three years ago are still being processed today. She asked why big pharma wants to keep its records “under seal for 75 years” and has obtained legal immunity by putting the COVID vaccine on the childhood vaccine schedule if the vaccine is as safe as promised.  

In January 2024, vaccine researcher Steve Kirsch published a lengthy summary of the “evidence  against the COVID vaccines,” including one survey suggesting that “hundreds of thousands of  Americans have been killed by the COVID shots.”  

Long related her battle to the Biblical story of Gideon and his 300 and noted, “Victory doesn't start with the majority in agreement or courses of action that are obvious. With God, victory starts with obedience, obedience to pray impossible prayers, obedience to take an unpopular stance, a willingness to be a fool before man for the glory of God. Courage and cowardice have  consequences…let our children never say we were cowards in the face of evil.”  

Virginia Howard of the Republican Women of Coffee County praised the event guest.

“Dr. Long is intelligent,  courageous, and a purveyor of truth," she said. "She has resisted all forms of bribery, coercion, and threats made against her and her family to stand for what is right and true. Her strongest Christian faith  has enabled her to stand firm…” 

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